consultation; and public participation (see figure 1, Appendix A). In public communication and consultation, information only flows in…
The amount of information that AKO allows to be submits and tracked by all Soldiers is limitless. When this system is not used correctly or not used at all by Soldiers and organization it can really make work and information very hard. Characteristics of the Users of the System Every Soldier…
After collaborating with Steve Thomas the developer requested input from the user and analyzed the 851 Variance application where the issue could be occurring. Input from the user is still pending. Based on the prior collaboration, the developer set the folder permissions on the applications folder to be the same as the ‘uploads’ folder. • While analyzing the 851 Variance application for issues, the developer discovered more 5,200 extraneous test records remaining from a NetSparker test…
they are signing in for the first time they will be provided with the Hotmail sign in page. On the left of the screen, users will be provided with the information they require to sign up while on the right side, they will be provided with the textboxes, checkboxes and buttons as well as links that will be useful when it comes to logging in. On the Hotmail sign in screen they will be presented with a field known as the "Windows Live ID" where they are required to enter their email address. The…
I knew immediately that I wanted to give up social media for three days from the moment I read the details of the assignment. It was an easy choice for me because, it is something that I engage in every day. I am on my apps and my cell phone constantly. Perhaps even more than the average person should be. Checking my cell phone as I awake is a part of my morning ritual, and it happens subconsciously. I wake up in the morning and grab my phone to check Instagram and Facebook like it is the…
In this paper, we propose a MAC-based remote lock and wipe system through the SMS push notification to protect against the private data disclosure when smart phone is lost or stolen. The proposed system provides the integrity checking mechanism so that the malicious users are unable to launch denialof- service attacks which send the lock or wipe commands to the normal users on purpose. Also, it satisfies the SMS length limitation of 80 bytes long without downgrading the security level.…
by sharing your username and password to the EMR. What are the risks of sharing your user name and password to the EMR? What is the impact on clinical practice and patient? Give clinical examples. When sharing your username and password to a database such as the EMR, patient information and the clinical practice may be put in jeopardy. There are many risks to a situation such…
Lounge: 1. At the very top of the page, two options will be available: Trades and Bets. Clicking on Bets will bring you to the active/upcoming matches section of the site. a. A list of matches will be available here detailing each team playing, the region, and the projected percentage of each team winning. 2. For this example, we’re going to choose the upcoming Liquid vs. Vega match to bet on. After clicking on the appropriate match, we’re brought to the main match screen. a. In order to use…
facilities data servers in case of total loss. Justification of Disaster Response Protocols These protocols are emplaced to ensure that even in a disaster data is safe and recoverable. If there is a need to replace the network equipment the data has been secured at an offsite location for data restore. The company IT Officer is the point man to ensure the IT office is aware of the situation and take steps outlined in documented procedures. Access Control Protocols IT Office Personnel in the…
OpenID 2.0 is being deprecated by most identity providers now, with most of them switching to pure OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect. OpenID 2.0 is an authentication protocol that websites allow the end-users to use to authenticate with their site. The website will usually have an option to specify an OpenID URL to authenticate with and then that site will request an HTML document from the identity server. The OpenID server returns that document and uses the headers to construct various information…