have cellphones. This is an important debate to parents because of the potential benefits and hazards cellphones can pose. The two positions argue whether or not it is appropriate to give “tweens” cellphones. Both viewpoints have valid claims warranting consideration. For example, evidence suggests that cellphones can help parents keep in touch with their children, therefore improving the child's safety; in contrast, evidence suggests that parents may be lulled into a false sense of security if their children have cellphones. While both sides of the issue have valid points, the viewpoint that tweens should not be allowed to have cellphones is the better supported position, the position supported by a preponderance of the evidence cited in the passages. The strongest and best reasons supporting the position that children in this age range should not be aloud to have cellphones are that parents could become careless and lose track of their children, children may gain access to inappropriate and often dangerous sites on the internet, and children may fall victim to cyberbullying. Accordingly, these reasons and opposing viewpoints will be discussed next. The first pertinent point to make on behalf of…
The cellphone has brought many advances to our society and has become ingrained into our generation. However, looking at these advances, are these certainly all good? Looking back forty to fifty years ago the cellphone was just in its early stages of development. Only a few select amount of people could use this device. Now in the year of 2015 walking around anywhere mostly everyone has a cellphone in their hand. The cellphone today has several uses such as texting, internet, applications of…
Technology is starting to rule over the world, especially with cellphones. Nowadays technology is so advanced that it’s taking away what truly matters in life. Although technology is very important to our society, it can hurt various aspects of our lives. People are so wrapped up and addicted to all the new cellular technology that they forget about their responsibilities. Technology has influenced various aspects of life, especially with the interaction we have with each other. Although…
Cell phones have been around for almost four decades and continue to improve along with technology. The evolution of the cell phones has changed overtime and is still improving as of today. As for now, cellphones have been around for almost four decades. The different aspects of using a cell phone have changed throughout the years. Back in the day cell phones have was just a standard small size that only could be used for calling. Now it has gradually transitioned into a smart phone that has the…
internet and cell phones. Organizations throughout our community are created to help address the definition of cyberbullying, how it works, and how deeply the victim could be affected. The STOP Cyberbullying organization Ad “Words can be deadly. It’s not a game. Think. Then type” uses the emotional appeals fear, the need to belong, and helping the helpless to make the audience alert that cyberbullying can deeply impact the victim due to the fact that behind monitors there are real people with…
Why are academic grades dropping? Are we doing something wrong? No, cell phones are being used more than they should be. The schools already have bullying in school, and the use of phones unleash a new form of bullying, cyberbullying! I think we should ban cell phones because, do you want an increase in cyberbullying, distractions and more people without good academic grades? I think phones should be banned because they bar two people from having a good conversation. What if you are absent…
Cellphone Usage In Schools Do you feel that students spend too much time on cellphones during the instructional day in high schools? Whether cellphones should be banned in schools will forever be a continuous dispute. Modern technology has created many wonderful advances in our society; however it has also taken away from some valuable aspects of our world. Cellphones are not appropriate in an educational setting because they are taking away from the social and physical experience of learning,…
Pendergast made multiple points using factual evidence from studies done around the country. Linda Sidner made some promising points as well, But only had one piece of evidence to really support her opinion. Deberah Pendergast is on board with giving tweens cellphones. Now and days there are many kids going missing, or getting lost. She believes giving tweens the cellphones will help give relief to both the children and the parents. During her speech she states “ As a representative of a large…
Through common sense, something that ensures someone's safety should not be taken away nor banned for that matter. Previous research has shown that 20 percent of third graders have cell phones, and 80 percent of middle schoolers have a cellphone (Smartphone Bans, LaCasse). This shows that a good amount of students have cell phones, and through the schools banning them, they’re disobeying the parents efforts to keep their children…
education. In an article explaining how much work college students actually get done, Dian Schaffhauser cites McCoy’s study and writes, “the most prevalent form of distraction was texting, reported by 87 percent of students in the 2015 study. At 76 percent email came in second, closely followed by "checking the time" at 75 percent. Social networking was reported by 70 percent of respondents, Web surfing by 42 percent and game-playing by 10 percent.” If students are spending their class time on…