Sex education should be mandatory in schools, it's actually a subject that should never be looked over and should be taught before a child goes to high school. Boy and Girls need to know more about their bodies, methods to prevent pregnancy Also it’s a great way to explain to the female child about girls menstrual cycle without teaching sex education in school most kids would be clueless about how their body education should be mandatory in school due to the facts that some parents never have the chances to inform their kid's things that relate to sex. Most kids in sex education class have no idea about sexually transmitted diseases that are out there, most of them do not know the risk of what it means to be sexually active with people.that's the main reason why they should be taught…
Sex education remains one of the most critical areas of discussion among teenagers. However, the topic presents challenges especially where the community’s culture is rather conservative. In this case, sex education is considered “too much” for teenagers. This discussion aims at exploring into the topic from the perspective of two articles. In the comparative analysis section, the topic of sex education is brought into perspective based on each article. It is found that the authors of both…
Sex education is essential to the younger generation in keeping them aware of the risks following sexual activities. While teaching sex education to children has diminished over the years, in actuality, society finds this as an arguable debate on whether it should or should not be taught in schools. Many people feel that morals are lowered when the use of condoms and anti-fertility are introduced in schools. Parents sense that this form of education urges adolescents to experiment instead of…
Despite the lack of funding for comprehensive sex education in the United States, there has been much support for it because it would provide exclusivity within health courses in middle and high schools. Comprehensive education would be efficient because it teaches all aspects of contraception, medication, treatments, abstinence and addresses the diversity of the student body by including students who have different gender and sexual identities. By addressing the universality of students and…
For centuries the education field has experienced controversial topics and this has forced the question of which of these topics do teacher decided to educate on, and if it is appropriate for the classroom. Sex education has been amongst those topics where states have had to decide if sex education was needed and if it was deemed necessary for proper education. Sex Education had gone through a large transformation and it is more essential now more than ever with th rising teen pregancy rates and…
Talking about sex makes majority of people uncomfortable. In the United States, there is a controversy on how sex education is taught in public schools. Some schools believe in teaching abstinence-only education and others believe in teaching about contraceptives. During these conversations about sex education, it is rarely discussed in regards to students with intellectual disabilities. Sex education needs to be taught to students with intellectual disabilities because not only is sex apart of…
The Central Valley has the highest teen pregnancy rates in all of California. Just the Tulare County alone has a 43.7% of teen pregnancies in California. This shows the rest of California that Central Valley parents do not monitor their kids or teach them about sex/safe sex. This could potentially push away families who want to move to the Valley, because who wants their 16 year old daughter to get pregnant, or their 17 year old son to become a father at such an early age. If parents don’t want…
Sex education should be an important part of all adolescences’ education. According to many peer reviewed articles, the United States has surprisingly the highest rates in teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.(21) In order for these rates to be controlled is through sex education. Sex education must be enforced. It is not a requirement in most schools in the United States. Due to the lack of support received by the government, most schools do not have enough funds for these programs.…
school help prevent teen pregnancy?”). Experts need to come to an agreement on how teens will be educated on preventing teen pregnancy. If they are taught by the abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education program, the information needs to be readily available and accurate. Teens need to be properly educated on…
Should sex education be taught comprehensively in public schools? The idea of teaching sex education as a whole has been a continuous debate since the 1960’s. “But, as early as 1912, the National Education Association required teachers to be trained in sexuality education” (Pardini 1). Some argue it should not be taught in schools at all or it should only be taught in the privacy of a parent’s home. Well, explain why “nearly 10,000 young people (aged 13-24) were diagnosed with HIV infection in…