Animal testing was revived in Greece about 2300 years ago; however, it became widely used only from 1850 (Understanding animal research, 2015). After this time, many breakthroughs were made such as insulin for diabetics, hepatitis C vaccine and medicine for epilepsy, which have saved countless number of animals’ and humans’ lives (AMP, 2015). Today, we have developed many alternatives to animal testing, thanks to new technologies, which are used to develop and test new medicine and treatments; nevertheless, it is still impossible to exclude animals from animal research yet. It is estimated that more than 115 million animals globally are used every year for different purposes such as developing new medicine and treatments, determining the toxicity,…
affected by products that have been approved through the means of either animal testing or other alternative methods. Each item a consumer purchases such as cosmetics, hair dye or lotions, the consumer is potentially promoting these particular companies, most of which condone their research on animals. Testing of any kind is done to ensure consumer safety of a product before it is marketed to the public. Animal activists question the use animals at all, while the opposing side argues that animal…
Medical Animal Testing People have their own beliefs as to whether medical animal testing is beneficial or not. Animal testing is a sensitive subject for most people and they automatically disagree with it because of the inhumane way they treat animals. One problem is that animal testing in many people’s eyes is not ethically right. Scientists test on animals and inject them with the infection to try to find a cure for the disease. If the scientists inject two rats with the same disease and…
Animal experimentation has now been outdated due to the alternative testing that now exists. Even if products pass the animal testing that does not make them safe and test results are not always reliable due to the differences between animals and humans: it is cruel and inhumane to the animals being tested, and the animals used are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act. The use of animals in science and experimentation is a needed change. The suffering of these harmless creatures needs to…
An easy solution to animal testing are the numerous alternatives that are already available: • Organs on a chip: This was created by Harvard’s Wyss Institute. The idea is to contain human cells grown in a high-tech system to imitate the structures and functions of the body systems and organs (“Alternatives to Animal Testing” Cruelty 1). The chips can be used to replace animal testing in areas of disease research and drug testing, it has also been shown to duplicate human anatomy, infections,…
Chase Rocker Savage 1101 Period 2 November 7, 2016 Animal Testing Strapped to a table with no means of escape, a rabbit squirms to avoid the toxic eye-drop being forced into its ultra-sensitive eye. It shrieks as the drops leave chemical burns on its eye, often blinding it in the process. It endures this pain, sometimes for over a week, as scientists poke and prod to rate the swelling and corneal opacity. All of this suffering is inflicted merely to determine if the product is acceptable for…
The testing of animals is overall is bad ethics and poor science. In a booklet by Peta, they explain the difference between the use of animals verses if humans would be used, how the animal is in pain, examples of cruelty displayed, research conducted, non animal methods, and a conclusion to what you can do to help the cause. This pamphlet explains that the role animals play in this conducted research is not their choice. Animals should not be put into pointless suffering to test a product…
Although animal experimentation has provided many benefits, there are alternatives to test toxic substances that may eliminate the cruel use of animals in research. The United States, along with many other countries, have turned to the use of animals in research labs to test human products for hazardous substances. According to the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, the United States uses about 12 million animals every year making it the biggest conductor of animal experimentation in the…
use non-human entities as testing subjects for their products. Places such as Britain and France have made it illegal to use animals as testing subjects. Animal testing is an extremely divided subject with both ends having strong views. Many people see humans as superior to animals, so individuals conclude that it is acceptable to perform tests on animals. On the contrary, people see animal testing as cruel and inhumane because the animals are forcefully tested on with no form of consent.…
Should Animal Testing be Allowed? Imagine living in a world that puts innocent animals through horrific conditions. These conditions include breaking the necks of animals and decapitating them (“Should”). This type of world exists and is present through animal testing. Animal testing has regulations. The regulations only cover a small percentage of animals. The issue is beginning to get worse since Britain has approved a facility for breeding beagles for the use of animal testing. The dogs will…