1. Introduction Work-related stress is a universal problem of current life which has reached all over the world and encountered almost all vocations. It can have detrimental effects on many people’s lives, and there are distinct factors in modern society responsible for. Stress can lead to many consequences such as less self-confidence, worse performance, and even suicide. Being known as detrimental to people's health as well as affect them in many aspects of life, the work-related stress can be considered as a worldwide challenge for workers as wells as for the organizations. Because not only can seriously cause the workers’ health and but also cause the organizations to face loses. There are many things that both employees and employers can…
In order to not become a victim of work-related stress, social workers must participate in self-care. According to Kirst-Ashman and Hull (2015), “A great concern in social work practice is burnout, a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that results from constant or repeated emotional pressure associated with an intense, long-term involvement with people” (pp. 517). Therefore, it is important for social workers to manage their stress by finding various ways to either reduce or…
Many teachers experience intense episodes of work-related stress. Elmore (2002) found that teachers are being asked to do something that most people currently working in schools today were not hired to do; they have not been prepared for experiential learning, meeting standards, and/or customized learning (p. 4). Teachers obey representatives from the nation’s capital to the school principal, even when they believe that these mandates and reform initiatives are not in the best interest of…
In addition, she described that, while all of her stress was weighing on her, learning of her sister’s diagnosis essentially caused her hospitalization. Felicia subsequently shared that, at the time of evaluation, she felt hopeful that she could learn how to cope better and prevent a similar instance from occurring in the future. It was determined that, in addition to the identifiable stressor of her sister being diagnosed, Felicia experienced some anxiety from several other aspects, as well…
PTSD and specific phobia. Symptoms To be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder a person needs to have all of the following:re-experiencing, avoidance, alteration of mood, and hyper arousal. I believe that Mr. Shackleford has all 4 of these symptoms. He shows re-experiencing when he remembers/experiences memories that have occurred while…
Rani (2014)1, in their article titled “Work stress and job performance evaluation of BPO employees” have analyzed the stress factors in BPO sector. Data were collected through a questionnaire addressing on the issues, such as salary, Job task, work environment, colleagues, late night shift and workload. The findings revealed that a majority of 195 employees agreed that late night shift is the main source of their stress. It also identified that women get more stressed out than men. The study…
S Michie, (2012) Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. Originally, it was conceived of as pres- sure from the environment, then as strain within the person. The generally accepted definition today is one of interaction between the situation and the individual. It is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the situation. Thus, stress is more likely in some…
Have you been awake the whole night? “¾ of Americans experience symptoms related to stress in a given month”, and “48% of Americans feel that their stress has increased over past five years”. Stress is the body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. There are three destructive effects of stress on humans: Stress with health, Stress with work, and Stress with life event. At the beginning, stress can affect the human’s health in different area in the body. Most people have stress, but they…
High Stress in the Nursing World It is no secret that a nursing career can generate large amounts of stress. Whether it be in the beginning of a career while suffering through countless hours of studying, clinicals, and test taking; or while practicing with the RN title behind a name. While I am fortunate enough to be able to chase my dream of becoming a registered nurse, I sometimes find myself thinking, “What the heck am I doing? Why am I asking for more school, added stress, and no sleep?”…
Exam stress research report Source: https://googl./images/EmZUp7 By Rumbi Muzondo 2.1 Define stress An abstract feeling which people encounter when faced with various forms of unmanageable external and internal pressures which put a strain on the mental and physical balance of a person’s well-being. Stress can be a motivator in terms of the fight-and-flight mechanism or a stressor. source:https://goo.gl/images/QfoPbM 2.2 Explain the factors that cause exam related stress (stressors) Exam…