Sixty-six million years ago, scientists claimed that the earth had moved into its next geological era. The Cenozoic Era or otherwise known for by its popular name, The Age of Mammals is the current time period human beings have existed and still exist in today. The interesting aspect about the time period is that no other living organism on the planet has dominated the earth like humans. Having no major predators, far more intelligent brain and mobile skills, and the ability to communicate, educated, and invent the human race controls planet earth and all other species within it. Power and domination are a dangerous combination, especially when put into the hands of an intelligent species. I believe one of the most concerning aspects is that…
The first mammals evolved from mammal-like reptiles at the end of the triassic period. Therapsids, or mammal-like reptiles, is an order of reptiles that lived in the Permian and Triassic Periods before going extinct in the mid Jurassic Period. It is difficult for scientist to determine when the divide between therapsids and mammals occurred. Early mammals had small, mouselike forms. Very few were large, because dinosaurs were the unquestioned dominant land animals on earth. The ecological niche…
Captivity of Marine Mammals: The Negative Effects Of Keeping them From their Natural Home When visiting marine mammal parks, feelings of excitement and enjoyment flood minds everywhere. Even though excitement and awe is filling visitors minds, many do not know that the money they are disbursing is being used to help fund a worldwide issue with how the animals are being impacted at these facilities. Marine mammal parks have negative impacts upon the very animals that they propose to help, and…
Have you ever wondered about the fascinating animals lurking beneath the mysterious ocean waves?You might find the narwhal,”the unicorn of the sea”,a bit interesting.Or the walrus,”the tooth -walking marine mammal”,might grab your attention.Both of these extraordinary animals are both different,but you might find some shocking similarities. These two marine mammals both have traits that help their life-style.One trait that these two share are short flippers and tails.These…
A mammal is a vertebrate organism with hairy body that give birth to live young and feed their young with mammary gland. Out of the 29 Orders of mammal, the Order Chiroptera (bats) is the only Order that can fly. Bats is the only mammal that have modified limbs allowing it to achieve the ability to fly (Hickman, 2015). Bats is also the only few mammals that have the ability to use echolocation- the ability to use high frequency sound to navigate the environments. Bats are divided into two…
In mammals, many functions of the body are made possible with the help of ATP. ATP is made is bulk in the mitochondria, thus, the body relies heavily on the mitochondria’s supply of ATP to make life possible (McCormack, 523). Regulation of this process, by default, is important as well. The body regulates the oxidative metabolism through placing in the regulator sites, that can increase or decrease the production of ATP through changing the concentration of (McCormack, 523). The…
In the animal kingdom, there are species that carry visual markers for the primitive condition, shown by a common ancestor. In primates, this is noticed largely in suborder Strepsirrhini and they are lower primates. In this suborder, there are four families that I will be primarily focused on: Daubentoniidae, Lorisidae, Galagidae and Lemuridae. These species live in varied locations through Africa, Asia, and Madagascar. There are selective pressures their environment as documented by…
Diving Mammals There are many different types of aquatic mammals such as pinnipeds ,whales, dolphins, seals, otters, beaver, muskrat, hippopotamus and walrus. These diving mammals don't breathe underwater as fish do, so their respiratory systems had to protect the body from the surrounding water; valvular nostrils and an intranarial larynx exclude water while breathing and swallowing. To navigate and detect prey in murky and turbid waters, aquatic mammals have developed a variety of sensory…
Marine Mammals Need Distance? Does mankind have a positive effect on marine mammals as a whole? As usual, the direct answer is non. Specifically, mankind continues to have a negative effect on marine mammals such as sea otters, and whales. Mankind's negative effect on marine mammals traces back to the time mankind learns to efficiently kill whales in the 1800's since mankind learns to effectively hunt whales; additionally, in the 1900's mankind begins to hunt sea otters in California.…
Part 1: Study finds many marine mammals dying in captivity (May 16, 2014) By: Angel Valentin Social issue: Marine mammals dying in captivity Summary: Key points In this article (Part 1: Study finds many marine mammals dying in captivity) talks about the social issue of keeping a wild marine mammal captive and what it can potentially do to them. This article has many facts and information that people should take notice of and to gain knowledge from. -Florida has an industry that has about 13…