by talented artists, while on the other hand, science has always been seen as experiments and research. In the documentary, Particle Fever, the movie brings attention to the different view of the arts and sciences as two interdependent subjects. The director, Dr. David Kaplan, uses the documentary to give his audience an inside view to the world’s largest experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) with the use of the Large Hardon Collider (LHC). The LHC is the world’s largest accelerated. The massive machine accelerates particles into each other in order to see the “God” particle, the Higgs Boson. Throughout the movie, the audience meets many physicists and is walked through their daily lives. These physicists, both experimental and theoretical, discuss the importance of each other and how much each side depends on one another. The same is true for art and…
many short-lived particles within the nucleus. However, these could only be seen in tracks left behind in sensitive detectors. There were many particles found such as muon, which behaves like and electron and is 210 times heavier. There is also the pion which is a little smaller than the muon as well as the kaon, which is just over half the mass of a proton, and finally the lambda, which is 20% heavier…
mythology and historical events, “Bright Empires” does neither. Instead, they focus on humans going to other dimensions and what it would be like to visit worlds, not just countries, that were not their own. With the release of the fifth book in the series in 2014, called “The Fatal Tree”, the series has been once and for all wrapped up. He got the inspiration to explore the idea of multi dimensions from a friend who worked at Fermi Lab and took Stephen on a tour of the proton-antiproton…
Introduction Alice in Quantumland is an allegory of quantum physics by Robert Gilmore. In this book Robert sends Alice to Quantumland, a whole new Wonderland, smaller than an atom, where each attraction demonstrates a different aspect. The book is about quantum physics and makes a story about it, making it more understandable. Key Idea 1 Bosons are particles that follow Bose-Einsteins statistics. It makes up one of the two classes of particles, the other is fermions. Fermions are electrons,…
literature, peace, physiology or medicine, and physics. This year the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics to Takaaki Kajita from Japan and Arthur B. McDonald from Canada “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass.” Their discovery was announced to be a historic discovery for particle physics. After a various amount of experiments and calculations, neutrinos were considered massless; however, after years of…
There have been many amazing and life changing scientific discoveries that have been made in the past, but how many of them have been filmed and documented for future generations to experience? Particle Fever follows experimental physicists Monica Dunford, Martin Aleksa and Mike Lamont and theoretical physicists, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Fabiola Gianotti and Savas Dimopoulos on the incredible journey to discover if the Higgs-Boson particle, nicknamed the ‘god particle’ is in fact creatable. The Large…
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator made of superconducting magnets, built on September 10th, 2008. It can be found between the border of France and Switzerland, near Geneva, 100 meters underground. The Large Hadron Collider is a machine that was built with the ability to accelerate subatomic particles to very high speeds, which requires chilling the magnets to ‑271.3°C. This is done through the use of electric or electromagnetic fields, two hadrons are sent through the…
science that does not have an immediate benefit in everyday lives is often seen as less important. In the movie, Particle Fever (2013), Mark Levinson delves into the world of science and the creation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The United States government halted the production of a similar version of the LHC because they found no immediate benefits from this experiment. They deemed money to be spent on more practical applications such as funding the military, schools, or healthcare…
Dark matter leaves astronomers and physicists baffled as to what it possibly could be. Scientists design experiments to attempt to figure out what it is, but no one truly knows what composes dark matter. Physicists are so interested in understanding dark matter because it accounts for the formation of the Universe, as observable through studying the distribution of gravity within galaxies (Carnegie). Original attempts at studying dark matter referred to dark matter as baryonic, which is a word…
Obtaining a fundamental understanding of the underlying physics of granular systems is important both for academic interest and industrial applications. Experimental measurements in full three-dimensional (3D) large industry scale granular system are complicated and expensive. Computational techniques such as the Discrete Element Method (DEM) can potentially be applied as a tool to provide understanding granular machine systems dynamics, virtual equipment design and evaluation of machine…