To be successful in reaching goals a good strategy must be applied. Every person must have a goal in life to achieve. Once that goal is reached another is started. The only way to succeed is to keep making goals, and achieving them. The important strategy in planning how to successfully accomplish goals plays a huge role. As famous baseball and football play Bo Jackson would say “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there” (Jackson). Certainly, famous Bo Jackson set his goals high by succeeding in both baseball and football; however, goals that may seem small for example winning a high school football game Friday night is just as important, and can lead to higher goals. The strategies we practice will produce success by accomplishing goals. Every goal I set has a purpose and will be accomplished such as to follow the Lord in seeking His will for my life, spend as much time with my family as I can, and to work hard by paying for college. The most important success I will ever achieve is becoming closer to the Lord. The only success I have achieved belongs to Him. The strategy in doing this is waking up early to do a devotion, and spent time with Him. Surrendering my life to God is exceedingly important because He is the only one that has a specific plan for my life. His will for my life is more than I could ever imagine. Giving my life to Christ has helped me through everything. The comfort I receive through trusting in His plan for…
Life can become extremely busy and making time for family can become tough. Family time is not only extremely important, but it is vital for young ones to learn good character and morals. The Rumbold family doesn’t spend enough quality time together. They are a family of nine people, six biological children with an adopted brother from China who is deaf. It becomes very difficult for this family to spend time together because their ages range from the oldest being nineteen years old, all the way…
You vs. the Crowd What makes a brand worthy? Good question. Having to sit down and think of a brand that I define as great would have probably been a challenging task about five years ago, but today it seems pretty evident. It is the brand, that I think about eighty percent of the time when I consider buying a new product. How has it been able to get so ingrained in my system? I do not remember the first time I purchased something off of Amazon, so I guess you can say I have been acquainted with…
My family has several resources such as human resources, economic resources and social resources to deal with. Some of the resources my family has includes money which is acquired by working and earning a living wage. We also have advice, love, talents, materials such as; car, phones and laptops. My family’s economic resource is gained by working and each member of my family contributes to our family income after receiving their wage from various jobs. My mom works from home with her buying and…
Introduction Within society, each working member is constantly making an effort to balance personal and professional obligations. It is paramount for adults to have a career for multiple reasons: to achieve economic independence, a sense of self worth and accomplishment, and importantly, to be able to provide for their families. However, due to stressful work environments, long working hours and ever-increasing expectations among many other factors, employees are experiencing a great imbalance…
If I could go back to a place and the past I would go to my grandparents house, back in June the summer of 2001. Why, because that was the last time I was able to see my grandfather and actually hear his voice. If you didn’t know my grandfather you would’ve wish you have known him. My grandfather name is James Carter. He was known as the first black chief /police officer in Yazoo City, MS. To his family he was a loving and caring man. A family man actually, he was the one that kept the family…
An Analysis of the Plot in The Devil’s Arithmetic by Jane Yolen Hannah, the main character in the novel The Devil’s Arithmetic by Jane Yolen, wants nothing to do with her heritage, until a sudden transformation shows her the importance of history, and the importance of family. In the novel, Hannah is transported back in time to the Holocaust in an unknown concentration camp, where she forgets her modern knowledge and lives the life of a girl from that time named Chaya, which is her Hebrew name…
Expectant fathers can either have a rough or smooth transaction into parenthood. In this paper I will cover some of the challenging questions some soon to be fathers have. What changes can the father anticipate after the baby arrives? Does the arrival of a new baby cause a significant martial strain? How can fathers support their partners during and after the transition to parenthood? How might additional births affect the family system? What changes in roles, schedules and finances…
1. Who is the protagonist of the movie? Who (or what) is/are the antagonist? In my opinion, the entire Sullivan family was the protagonist and their antagonist was society. This is because they faced many challenges that were given to them by society. 2. What kind of character is the protagonist? (Chose from the 4 choices) Explain your answer with evidence from the movie. Do we know this through direct or indirect characterization? The Sullivan family is very dynamic. Throughout the film they…
Patty Mills was born on 11 August 1988 in Canberra Australia. Mills was one of the first indigenous Australians to play professional basketball. He is a professional Indigenous basketballer in the NBA. His father is a Torres Strait Islander and his Mother is an Indigenous Australian. Mills was exposed to basketball when he was 4 when his parents created a basketball team called the shadows. Mills went to Marist College Canberra where he played a variety of sports. Mills also played football, in…