then analysing the specific results of Brazil. NDVI stands for Normalised Difference Vegetation Index and usually derived from satellite data, for landsat data this is usually thirty metres above the ground, to classify land cover change over a continental scale (DeFries and Townshend, 1994). When light hits a leaf part of the light spectrum is reflected back to the observer (Peñuelas and Filella, 1998:1) and the NDVI is calculated using two variables from this light spectrum, the amount of red and near infrared reflection (NIR), as NDVI= NIR-red/NIR+red…
zoospore or water, with an average of 10 drops being placed per leaf. Leaves labeled for zoospore inoculation were treated with 10 drops of zoospores (10ul) and those labeled for control were treated with 10 drops of sterile soil water (10uL) using proper pipette technique. Tubs were then sealed, stored and covered in the dark for 7 days at approximately 25°C. Data measurements were conducted by hand, and included the frequency of necrosis as a measure of number of potential infections and the…
The Redwood Network In the towering redwood tree lived four friends,Todo the squirrel, Jullien the owl, Kim the koala, and the infamous bee named Pete. The four just graduated from redwood high school and were now ready to start their lives. Todo and Jullien planned on going to work with Jullien's dad at the leaf transportation company. Meanwhile Kim and Pete got accepted to Maple University starting in the fall. The four of them promised each other they would spend the whole summer making…
and moderate winds. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. If the humidity is low or the surrounding is dry, there will be a steep water concentration gradient between the humid inside of the stomata and the outside air. That is why the rate of transpiration will be fast. Figure 1: Transpiration vs humidity As the stomata are triggered to open in the light, the bright sunlight caused stomata to open allowing the entry of CO2 and the exit of O2 at which water primarily…
There are two ways this process can be carried out; anaerobic or aerobic. Plants normally aerobically respite but in case of little to no exposure to air, anaerobic respiration is done. The process of cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of cells. All functions and structures in plants have been adapted to optimise the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Plants have a root system, a stem, branches and leaves. The roots primary job is to absorb water and the nutrients…
First CO2 enters leaves through the stoma via diffusion. An enzyme, known as Rubisco, will fix the CO2 to form a 3 carbon compound (Khan academy [accessed 2017]). This 3 carbon compound will eventually be converted to sugar and become maple syrup (Perkins and van den Berg 2009). Plants that follow this metabolic pathway are known as C3 plants (Khan academy [accessed 2017]). It is important to note that Rubisco prefers to fix carbon 12 over carbon 13; therefore 13CO2 is more likely to diffuse out…
The main objective of this study was to determine whether the rate of cavitation in xylem channels correlates with tree height by measuring the water tension from leaves at the top against leaves from the bottom of Acer Platanoides (Norway Maple) trees. We hypothesized that water tension would be higher at the top of trees than at the bottom. The secondary focus was to determine if varying water tension would affect the structural composition of leaves. In order to identify a relationship, we…
Safety Hazard Risk Precautions Taken Broken glass Getting stabbed Be cautious of surroundings Open Shoes Rocks crushing feet Wear closed-in shoes Heat stroke/ Sunburn Fainting, Dehydration Drink a lot of water, use sunscreen Slippery surface Falling down and harming self. Part A – Results Scientific Name and Common name of mangrove species identified Descriptions of features used to identify species Recording of position of species along transect (metres) Lumnitzera racemose Black Mangrove…
opened my computer and it started to buzz and whir then stop to a black screen. It’s dead. I had it charging all night. I mean c’mon, stupid school computers never work. I plugged it in and started to immediately jam the keyboard buttons with my fingers, typing in my password. It said “Your password is “Incorrect”. I typed in Incorrect and the loading screen started to pop up. Typical me. I went onto google classroom and saw the assignment. “Identify the Layers and DNA on this Oak Tree Leaf,…
rhododendron and 53 for kalmia. For more than thirty percent damage we have 24 for rhododendron and 29 for Kalmia. So all in all, all three of these non-native plants are thriving much better than the native plants. Discussion From the results that we have obtained we can proclaim that this experiment supports our hypothesis, which was the ERH hypothesis. Each non-native plant seemed to thrive more than the native plants by quite a lot when compared in data. The one that came the closest to…