With political debates centering around greater environmental issues such as climate change, air pollution, and the alleged fifth mass-extinction, a dog-owner may wonder why signs saying “please pick up after your dog” are appearing more and more in neighborhoods and parks. However, with 83 million dogs in the US producing 10.6 million tons of poo a year (Freinkel 2014), a contributor to the intensification of these greater environmental issues is the methane produced by this waste and the “doodie” bags used by owners. Despite the creation of “eco-friendly” biodegradable bags, such as what Paul Canella has promoted on Poopbags.com, the $49.99 spent on 360 of these bags does not compare to the 1000 normal bags for only $14.89. (Erbentraut 2014)…
Brown Paper Bag For the last six years, I have been preparing my daughter’s school lunch in a brown paper bag at home; and recently, she has been persistently demanding to buy a different lunch bag with fancy colors, creative designs, and innovative features. “Mom, why can’t I just get one of those colorful lunch bags like everybody else in my school?” My daughter determinedly argued. “Because this brown bag is very special.” I determinedly answered her back. Deep down my head, I was…
When plastics bags become litter, they pollute oceans, rivers, farmlands, cities, and neighborhoods"(Shirley). Creating a ban on plastic bags would create an exceptional city. The government should impose a bag tax because reusable bags are the best choice for the environment, more convenient, and improves customers' responsibility. Reusable bags are why a bag tax is important because they create a cleaner environment. People don't care about cheap plastic bags and so they end up as litter.…
Why do we keep saying that plastic bags should have a tax? Human use plastic bags for groceries, garbage and dog waste. Using plastic bags is convenient. If there are no plastic bags it will make human difficult to live without them because they could carry a lot of stuff and if we had to buy plastic bags using much money people would be struggling on making money on their jobs because of paying money on every bag they buy on the store. That plastic bags fee cost would make people poor. There…
The documentary Bag It takes an in depth look at the use of the plastic bag and how it impacts our environment. I, like most, have assumed that because an item is recyclable, it can be used indefinitely while providing some level of satisfaction that we as humans have done our due diligence in protecting the environment. This film disproves that theory and takes you on the journey from the grocery store to the belly of a sea turtle. The first plastic bag was made known in the United States as a…
Plastic bags, worth the risk? A lot of states have passed laws that require stores to charge at least 5 cents per plastic bag which has some people fuming. Less 0.2 percent of plastic bags make up world pollution. Do we really need to debate a fee? There is other trash that is being dumped into the ocean, which is bad for the environment. Plastic bags also create jobs for people in factories and if we charge a fee on bags some people would not buy bags. So there should not be a fee on…
The video shows that ridding of plastic bags is possible, but there needs to be a change. Plastic bags are environmental hazardous, and even though there is a simple solution they are still being used. Until we show companies that plastic bags are no longer needed or wanted companies will still use them. There are many negative environmental effects of having plastic bags. Besides being unsightly plastic bags adds to the negative effects of greenhouse gases. According to the Northern Territory…
Plastic bags drifting through the wind have many references in popular culture. From Katy Perry’s song fireworks to a random episode of Family Guy, somehow a mindless act of a piece of plastic being tossed around in the blowing wind has made an impression on today’s culture. Plastic bags, however, have been up for debate as to whether or not they should be used or banned. Some say they use up resources that we can not get back; release toxins into the air, water, and ground; kill animals that do…
GAME #1 Name of the game: Bean bag scramble Age group: 5 to 11 Time duration: 10 minutes Materials needed: bean bags, box or bins Skill development: Balls may be used to develop skills such as dribbling, or passing (in peers) Description of the game: Divide the class into two teams and tells them to go on opposite sides of the playground. Place an odd number of bean bags (at least two per child) on the center line. At each end of the gym place a box or bin (as their goal).On “go” children run…
Plastic bags provide many practical benefits for customers for carrying and transporting products such as lightweight, inexpensive and hygiene. However, they are also the double-edged swords as they pose a threat to the environment including water contamination and air pollution. This essay will analyze the issue of excessive consumption of plastic bags in terms of my daily life, provide explanations for the impact of this issue and offer my personal policy that I plan to follow during the…