The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is often thought of an institution with formal rules and procedures that guide its lending decisions based on severity of the economic problems facing borrowing countries. However, in his paper, “The Scope of IMF Conditionality”, Stone argued that the IMF is also a political organization with countries like the US intervening in lending decisions through informal processes to further their geopolitical and financial interests. To Stone, the continuous US interference has led to a “crisis of legitimacy in the IMF”. The main contribution of this paper to the larger scope of literature in relation to conditionality is the methodology as well as the organization of its variables. Although I agree with Stone…
Aims and Functions of IMF The International Monetary Fund (IMF) started its operations as a financial institution on March 1st, 1947. Since then, the state membership has risen from 29 countries to a near global number of 188 countries. IMF operates under the United Nations and has several aims, objectives and functions. The first aim of IMF is the promotion of international monetary corporation by establishing a permanent institution which offers collaborative and consultative machinery on…
|An Analysis of the International Monetary Fund in Jamaica | | |…
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was originally created by a group of member countries to act as a tool for economic growth and progression through providing loans to countries. These loans would enable the borrowing countries to trade on an international level, build industry, and create jobs (Global Exchange, 1999). In more recent years, due to major debt crisis’s, the IMF have more so assumed the role of bailing out countries in need than acting as a booster. In order to bail out a…
Greece is on the verge of going bankrupt. Greece failed to make a payment to the International Monetary Fund (organization of 188 countries, working to secure financial stability and international trade). Will Greece be leaving the Euro zone? The Euro zone has been helping Greece for many years financially, but you can only help someone or something for so long. Currently, Greece is under strict rules to get their financial situation back in order. How will the future Greece affect the Euro zone…
definition and meaning. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from The World Bank: History. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from The World Bank: What We Do. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from The Global Economy - What is Economics? (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from…
territories, and people. Often colonialism seeks a consolidation of a nation 9. Neo-liberalism An ideology that supports the privatization in order to Increase the free market, private sector, and reduce the intervention of the government 10. Structural adjustment programs Policies that aim to raise the economy to foreign investments, privatization, and a free market in order to decrease the state or the government intervention to attract more investments whether it’s external or internal…
in July 1944 representatives of 44 countries drafted and signed the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Taking lessons from the economic meltdown of the interwar period, the Allied countries wanted to develop an international monetary system that would facilitate full employment and price stability simultaneously allowing each country to attain external balance without restricting international trade. Bretton Woods proposed fixed exchange rates against the U.S. dollar…
These leftist views caused revolt in order to overthrow capitalism, and this is seen in Cuba with the rise of Fidel Castro. Klaren also writes about how the countries of Latin America continually borrowed money from the United States in order to relieve themselves of a depression. In the film, “South of the Border”, the narrator tells the story about why most of the Latin American countries have been so economically unstable, and this is due to their increased debt to the International Monetary…
which has threatened neighboring countries and the United States. As US Representative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), I have come up with a policy that goes along with the current Representative, Secretary Jacob Lew to reduce the threat through economic means. Currently, “The United States does not take a position on the sovereignty of any of the land features in the South China Sea, but we do believe that all claimants should exercise restraint as we go forward” (U.S.-China Press…