from a horror movie, but the actual life of ill-fated animals that were captured or bred for the use of animal testing. These animals are poke, prodded, and tortured for the sake of science to better improve man kind, but is science actually worth the never-ending suffering…
Animal Rights When it comes to the topic of animal rights, most of us will readily agree that animal testing should be abolished. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question whether there are alternative replacements which are proven successful. Whereas some are convinced that animals shouldn’t be used because they’re very different from human beings and the results are not accurate. In my view, I agree that we should eliminate animal testing because the results may be…
Animals experience the same pain level as humans. So with animal testing we are putting animals through a lot of pain. Nevertheless, with animal testing we are killing over 100 million animals every year. We are also killing over 22,000 cats every year, cats are also known as one of the most kindest animals. Even though people think that we are saving human lives by risking animals lives. This is not always the case, drugs they may work on animals may not always work on humans. In the end,…
Most people would agree that harming an animal is a cruel act to commit. Others believe that animal testing should be allowed because new human and animal related cures have been discovered by conducting the experiments. Some may think that since we are humans and animals are not, we have higher authority over the animals. Some people have protested, started movements and other organizations to try and stop animal experimenting. These innocent creatures are being tortured daily so we must step…
Animal testing has been around for a long time with some unpleasant history. With the expertise in technology not being as advanced and innovative as it is today with using other alternative methods, scientists had tested their theories on animals. Animals used in research experiments go back to the early Greek physician scientists such as Aristotle, Erasistratus and Galen. Galen practiced in Rome, where he conducted animal experiments to develop the understanding of anatomy, physiology,…
Animal Experimentation Products used on your body are always tested for safety before being bought and sold to consumers. Experimentations and testing are used for cosmetics, food and drugs and is done on animals. In any local beauty supply stores, such as Sephora or CVS Pharmacy some brands state that the items are cruelty-free. What does cruelty free-mean? It’s to inform buyers that the products are not experimented on animals. What are the procedures and requirements to conducting these…
What comes to mind when someone says animal testing? Do you see medical advancements or do you see animals being used as test subjects? When some people hear the words animal testing, they think of both sides. Animal testing has helped scientists perform miracles in the medical field. However, new technology has helped come up with different ways of testing that doesn’t involve animals. Some people believe that many years from now, the world will have little to no animal testing because of…
disease, then you have directly benefited from animal research. Animal research has been used for millennia by scientists and doctors to understand diseases that affect humans and to find treatments. Animals such as monkeys, dogs, and rabbits, have been popular in medical testing due to the wide array of genetic similarities between them and humans. Vaccines developed on animals have benefited humans and even other animals. People have begun to see animal testing as inhumane and unnecessary, but…
The Need for Animal Research A woman gets up early in the morning. She enters her bathroom, takes a shower, puts on makeup, eats breakfast, takes her medication, and heads out the door to her job. In this scenario, the woman uses an assortment of goods, all of which have been deemed appropriate for human use. People go through life using various products on a daily basis. In this case, the woman washed her body with soap, applied a red lipstick, used an oil substitute to cook with, and took a…
and no water due to it being frozen. This is an example of neglect and cruelty. Animal abuse can take on many other forms.Although an animal death may not always be a result of cruelty or neglect, there are animals harmed due to lack of feeding or for their fur. Animals get abused for different reasons.Experimentation, testing, hunting and dog fighting are many examples of the different types of abuse. . There are many ways and programs to help prevent abuse. Animals are tested and experimented…