played a big part in the Byzantine Empire, alternatively known as the Eastern Roman Empire. Consequently, iconoclasm entitled to a division between Eastern and Western churches, specifically between the 8th and 9th century. Nevertheless, the implication of this issue has occurred because of political, economic and religious ideas. Even today, the idea of being for or against the idea of idolatry is one of the most argumentative problems in society. This paper is intended to explain both side of views of why icons and imagery were either good or bad in the eyes of Christ and also explain why people were…
monarchs whom I have created have always maintained the hope that I should create you in their days, so that they should accept the religion, and their souls should attain to the supreme heaven.” - Zend Avesta Summary Zoroaster was sent by God to reaffirm the ancient monotheistic Faith of God promulgated by Gayomart, Siamak, Hooshang and Yima, and many other Prophets and Mediators before and after Him. He did not convert people He simply purified the Faith. He pried it from its man-made…
Western and Eastern cultures art reveals deep truths about the world. Cultures have different views and ideas about nature of reality. The direction of art is to portray beauty. With artistic realism in the 19th century and other shifts in taste, great art could be ugly in both its subject matter and its depiction. Western history, reality itself, created by God was conceived of as beautiful. The definitive voice in the identification of beauty with an ultimate reality was Plato theory. Beauty,…
Jews and think “hey they have a better life than me, maybe I should join their religion” This was a major issue for the Muslims. They feared that some of the Muslims would convert to Judaism and Christianity. If Jews and Christians converted the Muslims then the Muslim population would deplete and the Christians and Jews would overthrow the Muslims. This document was written to persuade other Muslims to treat the Christians and Jews the way Shaikh Hasan Al Kafrawi thought they ought to be…
will be worth your struggle on Earth, while the power-hungry men are just focused on the present, which in Richard’s case, resulted in their ultimate demise. As a christian, it is believed that if you serve God on Earth, and follow what the Bible tells you to do, you will be rewarded for eternity in heaven. For christians, eternity “is thought to be the realm where time goes on and on, non-stop, ad infinitum, into which one enters after death.” (Salisbury) This said, not all of the characters…
other creation of his, Screwtape is confused. In his mind, God is Satan’s equal counterpart. The classic good versus evil, where both sides have an equal chance of winning. In reality though, God is the almighty power of the universe, and there is no close second that could give God a run for his money. Keeping this in mind, it is easy to grasp the concept that Screwtape is blind to the loving nature of the Lord because he has never been exposed to it. #3 Screwtape is pleased to hear that…
In ethics we focus on defining morality by study old theories about morality. Many philosophers tell us how we ought to live to be moral, which make me realize that there are no specific guidelines for morality. Moral rules are, basically, universal moral principles, and they are rules that apply anywhere and anytime. Since brilliant philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Bentham, Hune… cannot come up with the perfect rules for morality, then I think morality belongs to the noumenal world.…
new life for herself. They started a family in their small apartment and before they knew it, they had seven wonderful kids and were expecting an eighth. He taught his kids good morals and preached on how much school and religion were important. However, Dennis couldn’t stick around for as long as he hoped and died due to cancer. Up to a certain amount of time, Ruth was a single mother, and then she wasn’t. She found a man. He restored her faith in her perception of love. Sure enough, that was…
Hinduism is the belief that most Indians follow. It is said to have no beginning, making it the oldest religion in the world. It is the third most popular religion in the world, only behind Islam and Christianity. In general, the Hindu religion is one of relative peace and a call to fulfill one’s duties. As long as one did what they were meant to do, they would be set for their next life. The idea of Hinduism first came about in India by the Aryans. The Aryans had memorized many complicated and…
and Chesapeake Colonies During the 17th century, the English were leaving their country by the hundreds, all with different motivations to go to the New World. If you were headed toward New England, chances are you were a Puritan trying to escape religious persecution, and you valued family and unity. If you were headed toward the Chesapeake colonies, you were likely an indentured servant headed to work on a large plantation, or you were a farmer with dreams of wealth and prosperity. These…