RE Essay – Ani Gemmill Hinduism and Catholicism couldn’t be more different however when it comes to the belief in life after death many similarities occur. In both religions the concept of life after death is based on a higher being or God in which they aim on returning to. (e.g. Brahman for Hindus and God for Catholics.) When Hindus die they believe in the concept of samsara meaning death and rebirth. They live their next life through karma. Catholics believe when they die they will go to purgatory unless they are in a perfect state of grace in which they would go to heaven and gain eternal life. Salvation is also a similarity between the two religions, as they believe their souls go through life finding truth and the perfect state of grace…
completely. Part of the communication between people and people need to rely on speculation. On the contrary, the United States is a low-context country. People get along and communicate directly. Secondly, people who believe in different religions do things in different ways. Christianity is the most widely spread religion with the largest number of believers in the world. In 2000, statistics on religions amounted to about 2 billion people in the world. Christianity has a broad and narrow…
There cannot be a universal definition of religion. In The Construction of Religion as an Anthropological Category in Theories of Religion, Talal Asad challenges Clifford Geertz 's specific definition of religion, arguing that specific, fixed definitions of religion are problematic because they tend to be based in the definers experiences with knowledge of a particular tradition, such as with Catholicism. Asad 's work has convinced me that it is pointless to try to establish a universal…
In a Catholic marriage ceremony leaving the ordinary occurs when the wedding parties enter the Church and are greeted by the priest and continues after the bride walks down the aisle through to the opening prayer. In comparison the Hindu ceremony leaving the ordinary consists of the Vara Satkaarah and Achamana where the wedding parties arrive, are welcomed, escorted in and prayers to Gods are completed (Hindu Wedding, 2014). Though they have similar ideas the way they are executed are different,…
In his book Gender in World History, Peter N Stearns articulates how patriarchy was established, how cultural contacts changed it, how that system impacted women then and what that means for women today. This is shown by Western Europe’s gender roles and religion as well as their impacts on Native Americans and the Middle East. In Western Europe, patriarchy is already established because of Christianity and Catholicism. Thus when they went to places like America and the Middle East they brought…