Joseph Stalin was one of the greatest leaders in modern history, not only because he lead his country to pushing the German’s back from the USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) into the heart of the Germany but also because he modernised a country that was a hundred years behind the rest of the world in very little time. Stalin had successfully implemented two five year plans between the years 1928 and 1938. BBC Believes that the first two five-year plans were concentrated on industry such as coal, iron, steel, electricity, and oil. Although the production rate was phenomenal the amount of casualties during this time were unfathomable. As (BBC, 2014) had claimed that thousands of workers had died during this time due to accidents…
Joseph Stalin The dictator of the U.S.S.R Joseph Stalin was born in Gori Georgia on December 18, 1878; but changed his birthday to December sixth. The name Stalin came from the Russian word for man of steel (“Joseph Stalin”). His life was hard growing up because his family suffered from poverty (“Stalin. Joseph”) and his home life was rough, because his father beat him (“Joseph Stalin”). In 1906, Stalin married Ekaterina “Kato” Svanidze (1885-1907), a seamstress. The couple had one son, Yakov…
Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952. He was a rough communist leader who spread fear, terror, and other horrid emotions to his people. Many hate Stalin for his brutal leadership and have even called him worse than Hitler in terms of authority and deaths among his people. Like many strong dictators, Stalin used many different forms of horror to keep a iron grip reserving his position of lead in his country. But how exactly did Joseph Stalin keep the Soviet Union…
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, better known as Joseph Stalin, once said, “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” His harsh, eye-opening words are just a glimpse into the man’s corrupted ideologies. Due to his rigid mindset, Stalin became infamous rather than famous. His interesting childhood and unorthodox beliefs lead him to become a powerful and merciless dictator that could only be matched by the atrocities of Adolf Hitler or Pol Pot. In addition to his strict…
Joseph Stalin When people hear the name “the man of steel” should they think of Clark Kent, the crime-fighting hero from the comics? Well how about Joseph Stalin, mass murder and dictator of Communist Russia. One may associate murderer and dictator in a poor fashion, but Joseph Stalin contributed immensely to the future of Russia during his rule. Joseph had the mentality that if you opposed his views then you should be eliminated. The result of that view was an estimated 20 million dead people…
Of all the dictators during the 20th century, Joseph Stalin was the worst, while also being the most effective in the ways that he changed Russia. Nearly everyone would agree that Joseph Stalin was a monster, but he did help Russia in many ways. Before Stalin’s rule, Russia was a poor, peasant country, and he transformed it into an industrialized nation with a strong military. However, Stalin ruled by fear, and killed twice as many people as Hitler did- 50 million estimated deaths- including…
Joseph Stalin was a man with huge power that came with consequences for the people of the Soviet Union. Although he didn’t always have a remarkable childhood, things had changed for him later on his life. Looking back, Stalin climbed to his success in his near future because of one decision that was made by another in his life, which lead him to rule. Many events that fell through from his leadership had impacted the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as not every decision Stalin made was wise…
of France and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. The work done by these dictators and their political systems had major consequences on their citizens and their countries. Louis the XIV of France exercised the finances of France, increased the size of the French military, and removed the Edict of Nantes from French society to solidify his power. Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union in Russia used propaganda to limit information, controlled the Soviet economy by increasing…
Soviet Union, before Stalin’s Five Year Plan, lacked industrialization. They were slowly entering industrial age, but not fast enough for Stalin. The Five Year Plan was a set of economic plans that would hopefully aid in the development of the emerging USSR. Kataev’s Time Forward showcases the lives of those working for the Stalin. Joseph Stalin’s Five Year Plans would make citizens believe they needed rapid industrialization but in reality the plans would fail and the workers and citizens would…
Stalinism communism The German Philosopher Karl Marx who created the Marxism ideology. He advocated for political, social, and economic principles. Marx assess the workers to have a revolution against the capital system to eliminate the classes and have an equal rights to everyone. Therefore, the first head of the Soviet Union, the revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, who gave the workers what Marx had in his mind with changes of some crucial aspects of Marx 's in order to fit it into the Russian…