We 've all had them, that one teacher that inspires you to love learning, and explore new fields of study. The teacher that gets you excited about learning new things, the one you can’t wait to get to school for, you know, the teacher that everyone loves, the good teacher. Then there’s the other one who does just the opposite, this teacher will make you feel insecure, and stupid, afraid to ask a questions. The one everyone loves to hate, the bad teacher. In schools, there are many varieties of teachers. No two teachers are alike, but there are a few categories that each one falls near. First, there’s the dedicated, fully committed teacher that has truly passed on the gift that keeps on giving and that gift is knowledge. This is probably…
There are many types of burns such as heat burns, friction burns, cold temperature burns, chemical burns, electrical burns, and radiation burns. In general burns damage or injure skin layers and other parts of the body such as muscles, nerves, blood vessels, lungs and eyes. These burns are classified as first, second, or third degree burns depending on the layers of skin and tissue that are damaged. As one shall know the deeper the burn the more serious the burn is. First degree burns are burns…
Types Of Gun Safes Not all gun safes are created equal. In fact, not all gun safes are really gun safe. For the most part, there are two types of gun storage options: actual gun safes and gun lockers. Confusing as they might be, for the sake of marketing juice many gun lockers call themselves gun safes. Clear as mud now? There's no bright line between safe and locker, but if there is a major distinction it's fire protection. Gun safes have it, lockers don't. Depending on steel gauge, lockers…
Bass Fishing Reels – Essential Bass Fishing Equipment Reels are an essential piece of bass fishing equipment. It is this part of your fish equipment which can determine whether or not you can get the bass out of the water quick enough and smooth enough and in such a way which can prevent the fish from getting away. A fishing reel can be used by all types of fisherman, including beginners, professionals and industrial fisherman. A fishing reel is a round, cylindrical devise attached to the bas…
get her number before she left. There are many types of people in this world. Every person with their own unique set of personalities. Throughout our lives we witness many bad and great personalities clashing with each other. Knowing this, one might ponder who are the best types of friends? Different friends will fulfill your different needs. Although these may vary from person to person, the friend who you shared your childhood with, the friend who is always loyal, and the friend that is a…
In larger school students feel less attached to the community and their teachers. The little fish in the big pond effect comes in to play here what would they matter for their just one person out of this huge school why would the community or a teacher notice them over everyone else anyway. The large school on the other hand have a larger variety of classes compared to the smaller schools. More students means better funding for those classes, and more teachers to teach them. There is no…
started studying for once and have taken my school work much more serious. When I decided to join the AYA Social Studies program, I walked into class the first day with a certain swagger because my mother is a fantastic teacher, who has dedicated her life into education. I thought I knew the ins-and-outs of schools because of my mother’s experiences and I was absolutely wrong. Introduction to Education has confronted my preexisting ideals about different schooling options, race and culture,…
When teachers lose their jobs wherever they are employed, they also lose their ability to influence the young people who wish to learn from them. In addition, another downside of cutting funding in education is that the quality of the resources given to all teachers will decrease. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, the most important lessons in school occur when any of the highest four levels of thinking take place in the classroom: application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Bleggi). Most of…
Ethiopia is a developing country located in Eastern Africa. In 2014, Ethiopia was ranked fifth place for having the worst education system worldwide. With Ethiopia 's substantial population and high poverty rate, making education accessible to everyone has been an ongoing issue. Although today, education in Ethiopia has improved and become more accessible, some issues such as money, school locations, and an inadequate amount of qualified teachers due to overpopulated classrooms still persist.…
Part 1 Different data types and their uses - The different data types that is available for creating or developing a program on software. An example of programming software would be Microsoft Visual Studio. With this software, many data types are used which can drive an event. - The different data types available for programming are String, Integer, Single, Double, Boolean and Date. - Data Type: String Use of String: A String can be used as a form of a character e.g. “a” or a string of…