In addition, however, Article 5 of Annex III to the Convention sought to give binding quality to certain obligations concerning technology transfer. And, in particular, Article 5(3) of Annex III required each deep^ seabed contractor to make available to both the Enterprise and developing countries involved in seabed mining the requisite technology for their operations which the contractor is legally entitled to transfer. Such technology was to be transferred on a fair and reasonable commercial basis, and, was to be available at the request of the Enterprise or the developing countries concerned.129 Not surprisingly, the idea that contractors should be legally obliged to transfer technology to the Enterprise and developing countries had encountered opposition from developed countries,…
Technology is becoming very popular nowadays. Especially in the developed countries and now we can even see computers in some non- developed countries as well. The use of computers is very important and helpful for majority organizations. Some companies can’t even function without computers. In addition, the benefits of computer are very important and it’s not only helping with tasks but it’s also helping with environment. Furthermore, computer helps with keeping documents not in a paper form.…
Roles of Core Technologies in an Effective IT System Technology permeates all aspects of modern civilization. It is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. What was once barriers to knowledge and communication have been stripped down as we are now connected, in an instant, to the farthest reaches of the globe. With every new advancement comes an opportunity to usher in a revolution in how societies live, work, and play. The major players that make it all possible are the men and women who…
and Eggen, T.J.H.M. Integrating data-based decision making, Assessment for Learning and diagnostic testing in formative assessment my understanding is that when collecting meaningful data as a teacher we have to stay consistent throughout the learning process and paint and reveals a holistic picture of each and every learner (including affective variables) that included innovative approaches in the classroom which guides learning in and outside the classroom which channels Differentiated…
students and they are informal, formal, summative, formative, and diagnostic. An informal assessment is a process of evaluating a student 's performance by watching their comportment. A formal assessment is centered on tests and other assignments throughout the year. These exams are administered in a controlled test-taking condition. The data is collected from the student’s performance on the examinations to determine their academic achievement. Formative assessment is an assessment for…
Technology has always had an impact on our lives in some form or another. Early in the 20th century, automation and power machinery transformed our country by reducing the manual labor force necessary on farms and factories. In the 21st century, technology is developing at a much more rapid pace as advances today are often outdated within 2-5 years. Fewer opportunities exist in manufacturing, while the digital has grown exponentially. These advancements indicate that it is very likely that…
Administration or Scanning Barcode medication administration or scanning is a technology that has emerged to help in lessening medical errors through performing an additional check before a medication is administered to the patient. The use of this technology is also geared towards ensuring medical errors are prevented. Similar to other medication administration or scanning technologies, barcode administration or scanning helps in dealing with drug administration in cases with no double checks…
more efficient in order to better aid educators, would be to break down each point and supply specific strategies. Under sections that say to use manipulatives and technology to enhance learning, a list of manipulatives should be provided. When asked to provide real life connections to help students utilize skills, a few real life examples should be given. Teachers have been trained, and are quite capable of developing teaching strategies and learning activities, but a more effective curriculum…
Teachers need to provide multiple ways to communicate with parents through monthly newspapers or in today’s society through technology. Teachers have the availability to email, and call parents. There are many App, which allow teachers to be more connected to their students. Apps like REMIND allow the teacher…
2. LITERATURE DISCUSSION A good way to understand the importance of assessment is to think about learning outcomes. If students automatically learned what they were taught, we would never need to assess; we could instead just keep records of what we had taught. But every teacher knows, many students do not learn what they are taught. Willoughby (2010) argued that “No two students enter a classroom with identical abilities, experiences, and needs. Learning style, language proficiency, background…