The Problem with the Problem of Evil There are several arguments today that reason the impossible existence of God-or a “good” God for that matter. One in particular, “the problem of evil”, greatly supports such claims. It rationalizes that God would never allow evil to flourish based on three specific attributes of Him being omnipotent, omniscient, and just. Essentially, the problem of evil argues that there should be no evil if God is aware of it, has the capability to end it, and the desire to do so. Therefore, He cannot exist. This concept has thrived for hundreds of years, bringing about various arguments. One result from this particular idea, is the confirmation for atheists. The problem of evil serves as a valid, strong…
What is evil? That is a very involved question. Some may say that there is no such thing as evil and that everything that happens, happens for a reason and that we are just too simple minded or close to the situation to see what the purpose of it is. But for most evil is something “bad” it’s the opposite of good, it’s something we don’t like and try our hardest to not indulge in. To me there are two main types of evil. There’s natural evil like hurricanes, tornados, natural acts of the wild such…
The largest obstacle in believing the existence of God is the theodicy problem or the problem of evil. The problem of evil states there cannot be the co-existence of a good God and the existence of evil. How can an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omniscient loving God allow such evil acts of hatred and suffering in our world? Why do bad things happen to good people? Understandably so, because of this, it has become the largest threat to Christian theology. Many theologians have sought to…
Evil exists because we chose it to. We, as free agents can choose between right and wrong. Through this we can justify our actions. What kind of world would we lead if everything was already decided for us and all we would have to do is perform it? God, although knows how we will choose, plays absolutely no role in our process of choosing. When we choose the wrong from right, we are creating evil, but that's our choice. Just like Hick portrayed in his theodicy, when…
The meaning of the word evil takes on many different forms, the most common is the concept of being morally wrong -negative behaviors-, bringing harm unto others and marked by bad events-such as a natural disaster- (Simple). The Problem of Evil consists of the idea that if there is a theistic God, then evil would not exist in the world. This is due to the fact that God is thought to be Omnipotent(all-powerful), Omniscient(all-knowing), and Omnibenevolent(all-good), which would mean that God…
The Problem of Evil argument focuses on the fact the existence of evil in the universe contradicts with God’s existence. I challenge the soundness of the argument, especially two particular premises which deal with omnipotence and omnibenevolence. The argument is largely considered a valid or logical argument. To examine the validity of the argument, it is necessary, first, to define the term “God” in the argument. “God” is defined here as omnipotent and omnibenevolent. This is the definition of…
The issue of evil and suffering in our world poses a serious challenge to the belief in a God, both from western and non-western perspectives. The problem of evil also called the problem of suffering, is an argument against the existence of God and is fundamentally the main argument for God’s non-existence by an atheist. In the western world, it is unmistakable that many theists believe in an omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent God. However, these set of beliefs cannot all be true at the…
Many people wonder why it is that even with a god that evil still exists. No one can truly answer this, but there is a moral lesson to be learned from having such evils in this world. H. J McCloskey states, “Surely a good, omnipotent being would have made a world that is free of evil of any kind. Either God cannot abolish evil or he will not; if he cannot, then he is not all-powerful; if he will not, he is not all good.” (H. J McCloskey) Despite the constant bad things, we continue to have faith…
The presence of unnecessary evil in the world has sparked controversy about the existence of an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient being. The problem of evil, in its most basic sense, claims that the evil in the world is unnecessary and contradictory to the existence of the Abrahamic God. In this essay I will briefly summarize both the logical problem of evil given by Mackie and the evidential problem of evil provided by Rowe. I will then argue that these arguments cannot be made because…
The Problem with the Problem of Evil I am arguing that the Logical Problem of Evil (LPE) is not a successful argument to reject the existence of god. This is because the LPE has an inaccurate explanation for the definition of good. I will show that with the correct definition of “good,” an all good and all powerful god can logically exist simultaneously with evil. I will further show that, even if we accept this inaccurate definition of good, this argument will still not constitute the immediate…