Although conceptual and procedural knowledge cannot always be separated, it is useful to distinguish between the two types of knowledge to better understand knowledge development. First consider conceptual knowledge. A concept is ‘an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances’ (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2012). Knowledge of concepts is often referred to as conceptual knowledge (e.g. Byrnes & Wasik, 1991; Canobi, 2009; Rittle-Johnson, Siegler, & Alibali, 2001). This knowledge is usually not tied to particular problem types. It can be implicit or explicit, and thus does not have to be verbalizable (e.g. Goldin Meadow, Alibali, & Church, 1993). The National Research Council adopted a similar definition in its…
1. Explain Conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge. Conceptual understanding basically means focusing much more into depth on how to get the correct answer. It goes way beyond that, it focuses on understanding why and how we got the answer. This can be done by supporting students’ ability to access concepts from a number of different perspectives. Students can demonstrate a deep understanding by solving short conceptual problems, applying mathematics to new situations,…
Knowledge may take three possible forms, propositional knowledge (knowledge of true facts), procedural knowledge (knowledge of how to do), and finally knowledge by acquaintance (knowledge acquired by experience). God is said to be incorporeal, consisting of energy, such as that of a spirit, rather than physical existence. Such a stipulation does not cohere with two of the aforementioned forms of knowledge, which require a physical being in which to experience knowledge relating to such things.…
When one has power over another, one has the ability to make them feel isolated from a variety of experiences. The struggle between power and alienation is present in a wide range of human experiences. It takes a different form depending on the experience. The struggle can occur between a teacher and a student, and two different cultures. An example of this struggle, between a teacher and student, is displayed in the essay, “The Banking Method,” by Paulo Friere. The teacher is given the power…
The conflict I chose to discuss and critically analyze is a common conflict in many businesses. I have recently experienced managers overloading employees with too much work. I chose to utilize the starbursting tool because it goes through who, what, when, where, why and how, and I truly want to analyze this and come up some helpful solutions. Starbursting is focused on brainstorming several questions for each ‘w’ and how. For this detailed analysis I will also include my overall answer or…
“People Can Change” In the text “Facebook, the Mean Girls and Me”, Taffy Brodesser- Akner the author of the story tells about her dilemma of should she become friends with people who were mean to her as child. She recalls incidents in the sixth grade, where her so called friends at the time gradually became her antagonizer. Many years later into her college years Facebook became the social outlet for everyone. Brodesser- Akner decided to look up the people who were not so nice to her, in…
school, I found the passion I have for the medical field. As a young adult I truly fell in love with the atmosphere of the hospital, and my curiosity was enormous and unending. With each shift I worked I wanted to explore further and learn more. I was constantly attempting to edge my way into any situation that I could learn from and be involved in. By this time, I was ascertained that nurses were the hands-on professionals within the hospital walls; therefore, confirming my desire to become a…
James Anderson Stephen Sullivan Fall strategy first October 7, 2015 How to win friends and influence people By Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People which was written by Dale Carnegie gives techniques and examples as to how to be successful in an ever changing social world. The book list solutions on how to handle people, how to get people to take interest in you, and how to be a leader. Dale Carnegie throughout the book goes on to…
Although not many individuals in society today have gotten poisoned lately or are on a mad quest for revenge; Hamlet connects with a large portion of our society today. Hamlet has connected with readers on an emotional level that many can relate to. As one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, Hamlet really connects with readers of all ages, but Hamlet is the character that most easily relates to the audience. Along with that, Hamlet also relates with readers that have personal experiences with…
meaning of their experiences. Their study focused on 135 women of various ages and backgrounds who were interviewed about their upbringing, relationships, decision-making skills, and personal goals – knowledge acquired throughout their lives. Through their analysis of these interviews, Belenky et al. challenged traditional androcentric knowledge theories (e.g. Perry, 1970). From their life experiences women develop ways they view the world, or epistemologies. These “women’s ways of knowing” have…