Heavier Procambarus clarkii have higher success rates in agonistic interactions Animals in a community are always competing with one another for the resources that the area has to offer such as food, space, and water. Often, this competition can escalate into a violent confrontation. For Procambarus clarkii, these confrontations can result in losses of antennae, limbs, or even lives. To avoid this, clarkii size each other up before engaging in combat to determine if dominance is worth the risk, and may choose to submit to the other if they do not like their odds. Through a series of interactions between several different males, we aimed to find out if weight played a role in each male’s success rate. By running these series of tests and analyzing…
Most animals exhibit some type of aggressive behavior when confronted with one another, and this behavior is also shown in freshwater crayfish. Aggressive behavior in crayfish can be seen by anybody, but it becomes more prominent in a restricted laboratory setting. Groups of crayfish of about the same length and the same sex, plainly exhibit a pattern of dominance. When observed, it is noted that the crayfish perform different degrees of combative behavior. Researchers beg the question, how does…
crawfish. An example of this would be conducting an experiment to study the dependent relationship of “active transport of ions against an electrochemical gradient” on aerobic respiration that affects an animal’s metabolic activity (Sutcliffe & Carrick, 1975, p. 689). One would first believe that the subjects of crawfish and aerobic respiration cannot be related to one another. This experiment, nevertheless, along with many more, prove otherwise and show possibilities of discovering scientific…