The painting of God the Father represents different aspects of faith that have been around since the creation of Christian based religions. God is always above humanity. God is always watching. God is omnipotent. And God is inherently morally just. These are some of the different aspects depicted by the above picture and have been a primary focus for Judaism or Christian based religions. There are always perspective limitations to each of the focuses of the painting and its implied concepts. Discussion God is always above humanity, as he is the creator. Nobody, who is religious, views that they are above God or beyond his reach. These are the limitations that a religious person bind themselves to this principle. They know that they are a…
make that mistake and sin? This specific someone, that voice in your head, that breath can be justified as our Father of Lies we know as Satan. Now, you may know Satan from the many cartoons and comics. You know, the man in the red suit with a tail, horns and a pitchfork who acts like a cute, little deceiver who manipulates people into doing wrong. But let’s get back to reality, Satan is anything but “cute”. He is the the accuser, the tempter of all mankind, the…
think of an image of God, my first causal thought is a visual image of God the Father. I would picture that God is someone like a Moses or Noah type figure. I do not believe that God is human like in appearance but that is my initial thought. There are times I imagine God is like a cloud but this cloud covers the entire earth. It is as if my view of God is he must have eyes like us in order to know what is going on with everyone. I believe he is all knowing and all-powerful yet I still consider…
First I want to acknowledge God the Father, Son , and Holy Spirit, and give thanks to Him who gives us "all we need" according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). I thank God for the opportunity to explain in adequate detail my disagreements with certain teachings, basing my theology on what the scriptures actually say and teach, and relying on the Holy Spirit alone to reveal the truth of God 's word. My prayer is that I will not cause dissension or dispute, but that to…
I believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe that God is one divine nature with three divine persons. I believe that God created everything that surrounds us today and is the infinite starting force behind our universe. All of these statements have been made more true to me as this course comes to an end. I have always known God is real but, now I have the information form this course to know for sure. God exists and through learning many things in this course has change my…
Michael Gow and the related text "my father began as a God" by Ian Mundine, where both texts portray that the ramification of particular discoveries can be far-reaching and transformative for the individual and their world. Undergoing the process of discovery creates new and problematic…
While there are many theologians who view God as one and the first mode of being due to His role as creator, God is also three in hypostasis or person. The correct description of the plurality or threeness of the Trinity can best be explained in the following depiction: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are truly distinct from one another because of their relationship with one another; however, they are entirely God due to sharing the same essence. This suggests that the threeness of God can be…
The Trinity is something discussed in evangelical churches several times, and tends to be a confusing topic for non-believers. The Trinity is described in multiple ways in Scripture, but the Trinity stands for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 13:14 says, “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (ESV). The Father is God, the Son is God and man, and the Spirit is God as well as a person not a force. It is…
abiding by governmental law, societal norms that do not clash with my Father’s Commandments, and the Word and will of God. My ethic is a combination of Natural Law Theory and a degree of Cultural Relativism. I fervently believe in the overlap of faith and reason, because God gave humankind both to use for His glory. My ethic differs from Natural Law Theory because I believe and accept the power of God’s grace. There is room for error because I welcome the unfalsifiable notion that in my humanly…
Benevolent God- Throughout the holocaust people’s trust in God was put to the test. Before Eliezer was abducted from his home and became a prisoner of the concentration camps, his certainty and unconditional worship was absolute. At the age of twelve he said that he “believed profoundly. During the day I studied the Talmud, and at night I ran to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple.” (Page 1) When he was asked, “Why do you pray?” by Moshe the Beadle, Eliezer responded by…