The Homestake Gold Mine is located in Lead, SD (fig 1). The Homestake Gold Mine was the largest gold mine in the western hemisphere, and it was the United States’ longest continuously operating mine until it closed in 2002. The mine closed because it was costing more to get the gold out than the gold was worth hence why mining is called economic geology. The Homestake was also the deepest mine in the western hemisphere. The Homestake gold mine has three main formations in it. The formations from oldest to youngest are the Poorman, the Homestake, and the Ellison. The gold is only found in the Homestake Formation (Caddey et al. 1991). The Poorman Formation is called the Poorman for a reason because if you were to mine the Poorman Formation you would go poor because there are no valuable minerals in the formation. The Poorman Formation is a sericite-biotite phyllite and averages 1,500m of thickness (Caddey et al. 1991). The Homestake Formation is a Gruerite-siderite schist and iron formation and can range from 1 to 125m thick (Caddey et al. 1991). The Homestake is 125m think in the fold hinges (Caddey et al. 1991) and hence why the folds contain the most gold (Rye and Rye 1974). The Ellison Formation is a sericite-biotite phyllite that has an average thickness of 400m…
Mining in Kalgoorlie There are multiple active gold mines currently running in Kalgoorlie due to the gold deposits found underground in the area. The mines include; Daisy Milano Gold Mine, Frog's Leg Gold Mine, Super Pit Gold Mine, Kanowna Belle Gold Mine, Paddington Gold Mine, Randalls Gold Mine, South Kalgoorlie Gold Mine and White Foil Gold Mine. The majority of these mining sights are open pit, while the minority are underground. Open pit mines are generally less expensive, safer, easier to…
Gold is widely used in modern day medicine to treat disorders. This is because gold is very resistant to bacteria. Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms. Bacteria are prokaryotes, meaning the entire organism consists of a single cell with a simple internal structure. The DNA of a prokaryote is neatly packed in the nucleus. The bacterial DNA floats freely in a twisted thread-like mass called the nucleoid. Gold is unaffected by almost everything. The only materials that can affect gold…
evolution of Gold as a medium of trade and how, over the time, Gold has changed its image as mere jewellery item to a commodity that can be traded. This article also explores both global as well as regional factors that affect the demand and supply of gold thereby affecting its prices. We also explore how gold has traversed its journey from jewellery shop to being the most traded commodity with maximum liquidity on Multi stock exchange. The end side of the article talks about recent developments…
Social and Environmental Impacts of the Gold Commodity Chain Gold’s unique qualities make it one of the most sought-after commodities in the world. Even in antiquity, gold was praised for its luster, shine, and beauty and was cast into jewelry and was widely regarded as a luxury item. Its inherent scarcity gave gold value and it became a symbol of status and wealth because those who could afford to frivolously spend on jewelry were well-off. In some societies, it even became a currency, shaped…
expanded dramatically compared to quarter 3 and now it includes products in two other market segments, the need for new sales people increases as well. In the next quarter Chicago will continue to have the greatest number of people out of all the markets in which Gold Standard competes. The reason for this is the fact that Chicago is the largest market for both the Mercedes and Traveler target segments and it also has a large Workhorse potential. Overall Chicago is the largest market, which…
breaking your precious gold necklace or bracelet. Unfortunately, this frequently happens to many people simply because the gold is so delicate and precious. Pulling or yanking too hard on it in a rushed attempt to remove it, getting it snagged on something or accidentally snapping it while trying to untangle it can easily break the chain. Jewelry repair service is expensive and can sometimes cost as much as the gold necklace or bracelet did itself. So most times, your broken gold necklace or…
The Alaskan a Gold Rush. It was a big deal in the late 1800s. It attracted many people all over North America from Canada to Mexico. Everyone wanted to go to Alaska just got this. It was a out burst of people. It drew a lot of attention! There we many stories and novels written about the gold rush, such as "Gold Rush Fever" or the Last Great Gold a Rush. But there are two stories by Jack London that he had written about gold in this time era. The two books that he had wrote are "the Love of…
phenomena was the Gold Rush that took the American Society by storm and made such a vast impact on its society and people. In the midst…
In the Spring of 1849, gold was discovered in John Sutter’s saw mill. Samuel Brannan ran through the streets of San Francisco, yelling to all about the news. “Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!” The news spread quickly around California, and in just three days, the population of San Francisco went from 250 to 600. By the Spring of 1849, the news of gold had spread to every part of the United States by boat, wagon, and mule. When the people's wildest dreams were confirmed by President Polk…