Why did Americans in California in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries engage in unsustainable relationships with the natural world? Americans and other immigrant’s to California were driven by the pursuit of gold and wealth which led to unsustainable relationships which they maintained with their natural environment. Having little knowledge of the natural world, they were all out to exploit the resources: Gold without any sense of its availability and implications of mining to the environment. In this paper, I will dwell into various aspects of how the gold rush shaped the future of California. Colonization of Western North America by Europeans and Americans significantly affected native Indians by altering their natural…
The California Gold Rush affected the state of California in many ways, let alone the entire country. It changed the idea of success for all the people of the nation. Before the Gold Rush, most Americans did not even think about becoming wealthy; they thought more about holding just enough land to get them by in life. Land owners and farmers wanted to keep their families independence from working for wages, so when the Gold Rush fever sparked up, people could not resist. Why work so hard with…
A brief summary of the book The book gives a description of the events associated with the discovery and mining of gold in California, the immense migration of people the events brought in the area as well as the lifestyle of the gold miners and the mining towns. The book gives a comprehensive examination of the historical implications of the Gold Rush in California. It begins with a description of how life was in California before the Gold rush as well as the European colonization in America,…
“Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!" These were the famous words shouted by Samuel Brannan that sparked the fever for riches in many. This simple seven word phrase was the beginning of the largest mass migration of immigrants from all over the world to the United States. This declaration of found treasure was the beginning of a domino effect that would have lasting consequences. This was the beginning of the California Gold Rush. On January 24, 1848, gold was accidentally dug up by…
Challenges are created everyday. The California Gold Rush occurred in 1848-1855. People from California and all over the world, went to California for gold. During the Gold Rush, California grew in cities and towns because of the increasing population. Because of the long journey, process of mining, and high crime rate were common, many individuals faced challenges during the California Gold Rush. Getting to California for the Gold Rush was a long journey. First, Gold Rush families had to…
“Gold! Gold! From the American River (Adkins,14)!” In January of 1848 James marshall had discovered gold in what is still Calfornia. It took a long time for the news to spread ,but once it did people from all over the world went to California in hope of getting rich by the California gold rush, Individuals had to face plenty of challenges to get to the california gold rush like the living condition, the risks they had to take, and the disease the miners and pioneers had to overcome to survive. …
The Gold Rush was one of the biggest events that have happened in the United States of America prior to 1848. It was one of the biggest economic sources of California and the Californian people. 1849 Gold was discovered in the Sierra Nevada 's on the California side. Many people around the world heard about it and traveled all over the place from China, Japan and even down in South America. It was a Gold frenzy that had set in from Novice miners to big industry started a gold rush to…
would lead the United States to become one of the most powerful countries in the world. One of the most significant events during the period of manifest destination was when California, which once it had been a territory of Mexico, became a state of the United States. This event was the turning point that brought a huge number of people from different states into California for seeking “Gold” as their new future lives. According to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, it was an agreement between…
western territories. One of the more prominent territories acquired from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was California. Flakes of gold were found floating along the American River at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. After news got out, people from across the sea traveled to America looking for wealth in the mines of California. The discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in early 1848 sparked the California Gold Rush that will lead to an increase in population, immigration,…
Almost everyone has heard about the California Gold Rush at some point, it brings up images of hermits panning for gold in a river. In actuality the California Gold Rush is much more than that. Many things throughout American would not be the same without the California Gold Rush. The California Gold Rush caused a huge boom in civilization in the western part of the United States of America, because of it there was a boom a population growth in a short period of time. It caused many of the major…