This morning, an airman on Lackland Air Force Base (AFB) just outside San Antonio, Texas shot and killed his squadron commander, then killed himself. At this time, it is unclear on the reasons for the incident. But it once again brings up the question, should military personal be allowed to be armed at all times to protect themselves? The active shooter incident on Lackland marks the 10th fatal shooting on a U.S. military installation in the U.S. since 2001. Of the 10, 3 have been confirmed as attacks by extreme Islamic jihadists. Some of those attacks were by military personnel themselves who converted to Islam. The following is a list of attacks on U.S. military installations inside the U.S. since 2001, excluding the one that took place today: 1.…
1.0 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, test equipment, material, parts, transportation, personal protective equipment, clothing, hearing and eye protection (when required) including prescription safety glasses, and any incidentals necessary to provide a maintenance agreement on two (2) OCE Plotwave plotters. The plotters are used to print, copy, and scan drawings required per Air Force instructions to support the mission of the 402d Commodities…
My father is the subject of this job analysis interview, and as of today he is currently 51 years old and put in 23 colorful and experienced years of service to the United States Air force. After many years of service he retired to a position as a government civil serviceman with an occupation as an Intelligence analysis at MacDill Air force base. Intelligence analysis is a very broad term that can mean many things for those who are unaware, which can lead to confusion. O*NET has done a very…
NICHOLS (WENY) - With the new expansion coming to Tioga Downs, the casino is looking to build a full house. Monday, the casino hosted a career summit for potential employees to get a first hand look at what jobs may soon be available. As Tioga Downs Casino is preparing to get its full gaming license, a $195 million expansion is already underway. By July, they're anticipating 445 new jobs will need to be filled. "If you're looking for a fun job. People are coming here for entertainment and they…
Air Power has become the dominant form of military power in our modern world. Through the years, airpower has made significant developments that have impacted our society in positive ways. Eddie Rickenbacker once said, “Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible." Changes in military aviation have occurred in an intense rapidity. Even so, civilian aviation has many breathtaking transformations over the last few decades. By recognizing how the history of…
like a table instead of a mattress and a pillow made of coffee filters. Winter 2012 Getting off the plane wasn 't as hectic as the first hour in basic training. We didn’t have servants carrying our luggage to some extravagant mansion, but we didn 't have to make everything in a neat order immediately. Everything here was very bland, the tents were brown, the buildings brown, the dirt brown, the people brown. Although, it was a nice change of color compared to the gunmetal gray and blood red…
Hell, I would venture to bet that they were never even looked at. Maybe the Air Force would consider preferences; however, the overriding deciding factor was not what would make me happy; but where the Air Force needs people the most. For me, the Air Forces’ needs failed to coincide with my preferences. Both times I filled one out, I requested bases in the southeastern part of the United States. The first time they got the climate correct but the country wrong; the second time they got the…
their prophecies that air power alone could win a war; “the bomber will always get through” even without support of fighter escort; and that the bomber would be able to attack adversaries’ vital centers with high altitude precision bombing turned out to be false. Despite of excessive aerial bombing of vital centers, cities and industrial facilities,…
“It may be said that Douhet was the theorist of the air power, Mitchell the publicist and catalytic agent, and Trenchard the organizational genius.” -Harry H. Ransom. Air power generates a new revolution in thought, making way for air power theorist like Giulio Douhet, Hugh Trenchard, and Billy Mitchell, and they established the basics of strategic, operational, and tactical employment that will generate influences until our time. The airpower theorists over emphasized the long range…
came the revision of Great Britain’s strategy in the war, it was simply to survive. While Germany began its raid of the United Kingdom through the air, the British people took to the skies to defend their homeland, in what would be called the Battle of Britain and total war for the British population. Many leaders emerged to rally the people to combat the Nazi attacks, however, crucial to the British victory in the Battle of Britain was Air Chief…