The purpose of this experiment was to explore the vast applications of eggs. Eggs are used as foams, binders, thickeners, and emulsifiers. The multiple uses enable eggs to be made into custards, souffles, and hard cooked or soft boiled eggs. One experiment conducted was comparing the effects of the cooking time for hard boiled eggs. Another experiment conducted was seeing the effects of cooking scrambled eggs in hot and cold oil, a double broiler, and the microwave. The result of this experiment is that cooking eggs in a double broiler made the eggs super fluffy in appearance and texture/flavor while cooking the eggs in the microwave made the eggs not fluffy and chewy. Whipping egg whites properly is a valuable skill. Eggs foams are formed because of the denaturing of the proteins in egg whites. The final experiment was comparing properly and over whipped egg whites.…
designed to keep a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a height of two meters. The structure that provides the longest duration of impact between the free falling egg and the ground will provide the wanted results of an uncracked egg. Background Previous knowledge acquired from Physics class about motion was applied to this project. Motion is the action of changing location or position. Impulse is the factor that will keep the egg from remaining undamaged. If bubble wrap and napkins are…
There have been numerous debates about whether or not egg consumption is associated with the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, or carotid plaque area. Two studies have been conducted to address this issue. The first study used a non-experimental research design (longitudinal (cohort)) to examine the association between egg consumption and risk of CHD and stroke in men and women. The dependent variables in this study were the risk of CHD and stroke. The independent variables were egg…
Results This experiment’s results revealed that the higher the temperature of vinegar that the egg was placed in, the less time it took for the eggshell to dissolve. A data trend showed that eggs in vinegar at a temperature of 62.8C took around twelve hours to completely dissolve their eggshell. Eggs set in vinegar at 24.5C took about sixteen hours to dissolve their eggshell and eggs in 1C vinegar took about twenty hours or more (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Figure 1. This line graph…
High School, Congress Road, Bagumbong, Caloocan City Introduction Eggshells have the most significant role as a component of an egg. It serves as the protection of the inner extremities of an egg such as the albumen, chalazae, the yolk, and the vitelline membrane. However, people dispose it without knowing its significance and capacities. 30% of eggs are used by food industries annually, which translate to 50 million cases of eggs. In this case, it creates a big problem as a big contributor of…
Hen and Red. They are both hens of the Red Comet variety and they lay large brown eggs. We do not have any roosters, because we simply like to keep a solid supply of fresh egg is in our refrigerator and do not currently want any chicks. They both produce eggs, which my family enjoys in everything from scrambled eggs to mixing them into cake batter and making homemade waffles. The whole process is very interesting and that is why I chose to do my Science Fair project on egg production. I…
EGG LAB ANALYSIS Bouncy egg trick: You turn an egg into a bouncy ball by leaving the egg in vinegar. on the first day we place the egg into vinegar which helps break down the eggshell. Vinegar is a acid which dissolves the eggshell, which is made of calcium carbonate, turning the shell to carbon dioxide. Vocab/ Relation Osmosis: diffusion of water Diffusion: molecules to spread out in order to occupy an available space, without using energy. *diffuse from high to low. -The egg was placed into…
C 10-3-16 Period. 2 Egg Size V.s Peanuts Hypothesis Question: If I add peanuts to the chickens diet will their eggs increase in size? If so what quantity of peanuts is best? Depending on the type of chicken, the egg size varies. Rhode Island Red’s lay a rich or medium brown egg that is usually about large to jumbo. Golden sex links lay a medium brown egg that is large. Ameraucana chickens lay a blue or blue-green egg that ranges from medium to large. Egg size is related to the weight of the…
The goal of the egg drop project was to successfully create a structure that would protect an egg from a drop of three stories high. The problem resulted as an eggshell would not be strong to protect itself from a fall at this height. In this project we created a structure from common household materials, that will protect an egg from a drop at three stories high. Together, we worked hard to create a structure that is both lightweight, durable, and hopefully indestructible. To create…
The egg is composed of 5 parts. The outermost layer is the egg shell. It is made up of calcium. The next layer is the albumen, which is a thick white substance that holds the yolk, which is the yellow genetic material in the center of the egg. The air pocket on the wider end of the egg is known as the air cell and serves as the root to holding the yolk in place without spinning around. The final and most important part of the egg is the germinated spot that the chick is formed from the yolk.…