Just as there is no cookie cutter terminology or phraseology to describe leadership, neither is there a true scientific medium or metric to gauge leadership effectiveness. Generally, the selection of appropriate criteria to measure leadership effectiveness is dependent upon the objectives and values of the person executing the evaluation (Yukl, 2010, p. 11). Unfortunately, objectives and values often differ between the leader and the evaluator, thus, differing values and objectives often produce unreliable and differing results when measuring leadership effectiveness (Yukl, 2010). With no concrete theories or methodologies to measure leadership effectiveness, perhaps the best way to gauge effectiveness is to focus on the indicators of effective…
The Effectiveness of “Winter Stars” By Larry Levis The poem “Winter Stars” by Larry Levis starts out depicting a story that a boy is remembering from his child hood. Levis vividly depicts the boy’s father “breaking a man’s hand” (Levis) on a piece of farming equipment because the man named “Rubén Vásquez” (Levis) attempted to kill him with a well described knife. His father then proceeds, with no empathy, to grab some lunch and listen to some music. The boy then contemplated the meaning of life…
Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things: most people have heard this Peter Drucker’s quote and many of them would even agree with it. Drucker’s book “The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done” lines up with his quote by addressing the importance of effectiveness amongst the executives, the knowledge workers whose decisions affect their organization’s performance. However, most executive jobs are nowadays occupied by…
reminds the learner of a previous encounter, and that the retrieval of that encounter enhances the memory of its contents (Benjamin & Tullis, 2010). When comparing the effectiveness of either distributed or massed practice, it is clear that distributed practice is better, if the reminding model is used. If a participant practices a task for a certain number of minutes, takes a rest, and starts practicing again; then, because they are performing that task again, they are reminded of their…
This article highlights the concept of strategy and other crucial factors for a sustainable competitive advantage of a business without losing its (uniqueness) position in the market. Porter (1996) emphasizes that management tools such as benchmarking, outsourcing, partnering, and engineering have drastically taken the place of strategy. Due to the fact that management fails to distinguish between operational effectiveness and strategy, these management tools improve the operational…
interacts and functions. Throughout this study, the goal is to decrease stress in families and increase positive relationships and behaviors that can enhance the family. While research has been conducted on the effectiveness of PCIT for parent-child dyads, not much research has been conducted on the effectiveness of group PCIT in a community setting. The purpose of this study was to observe if group Parent-Child Interaction Therapy holds the same effectiveness as it does for parent-child dyads.…
The goal of this memo is to present a set of proposed questions about the Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign which will posted on the PETA Facebook page. We want to know the public’s opinion on the website for the campaign so that we can make changes to increase the effectiveness of the campaign. Summary In 2003, PETA launched the Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign. The campaign seeks to change the fast food restaurant KFC’s treatment of chickens. The restaurant KFC has been known to commit…
Albright and Thyer (2009), believed these limitations increased the chances of random error and decreased the overall sensitivity to detect significant treatment effects. In conclusion, Albright and Thyer (2009) stated that their review illustrated that there is a lack of evidence to support the effectiveness of EMDR on combat veterans with PTSD. Moreover, this topic should be researched further before being used as a common treatment strategy for this population (Albright & Thyer,…
Other studies have examined humor in advertising and it’s effectiveness on different genders and cultures. Humor is often paired with violence in the marketing sense. One study examined the effect that the violent humor had on different genders. It was found that high-intensity humorous violence in advertising was more effective on men than women (Swani, Weinberger, & Gulas, 2013). The use of humor also changes from society to society. Many studies examine the effectiveness of humor in American…
Almost half of all first marriages end in divorce (e.g., Amato, 2001; Kiecolt-Glaser & Newton, 2001; Troxel & Matthews, 2004). Divorcing couples have higher rates of arguments and negative communication patterns (Markman, 2013). Improving communication patterns and reducing arguments may be a central component to reducing the divorce rate. In fact, many studies have been done regarding interventions to reduce divorce rates by enhancing the effectiveness of communication. (Carroll, et al 2003). …