developed from then on to become the most important and powerful medium of communication, through the work of influential people, and most of which, Edwin Howard Armstrong. Radio is the exchange of sound messages and electromagnetic signals…
people to compete with, i.e. Fessenden and Armstrong, he would not have continued his research and experiments into the development of broadcasting. Edwin Howard Armstrong was described as happy, curious, and adventurous in his youth. He was always questioning how theories and gadgets worked, which caused him to explore the true functionality of de Forest’s invention, the Audion. David Sarnoff was not…
Edwin Hutchins, a cognitive psychologist and former professor at at the University of California at San Diego, is one of the key developers of distributed cognition (Bell & Winn, 2000). Distributed cognition allows the student to have more control. Simply put, distributed cognition, or Dcog, is student centered and contends that learning is achieved in environments where learners take part in a methodically intended learning environment that encourages interaction with its participants (Bell &…
constitution, the founding fathers were clearly living in an ern which entailed concerns that are different from concerns today. During the constitutional convention, men discussed debated until they agree on what should become the framework for our great nation. Because of this the constitution appears to be ambiguous on many particular issues which we face today. Are we then to address those issues in light of the context in which the constitution was written, or are we to view it as a living…
The process of doing an audience analysis involves being able to identifying and adapt in order to able to present the information to an audience properly (Adler, Rodman, & du Pre, 2014). In understanding the audience a speaker has a better awareness of how to approach the subject without alienating them. Being able to adapt to the environment allows for a better way for the speech to reach the audience. Also allows for the speaker to decide in what form they wish to present the information.…
astronomer Galileo Galilei within his first year of observation he had discovered four of Jupiter’s largest moons as well as discovering hundreds of stars. He did this using simple mirrors and optics to magnify the light coming from the distant discovery, even though many people would just view this as simple observation this is actually a very basic form of electromagnetic detection as light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, but due to the very small range of electromagnetic radiation…
served in World War 1 as an artillery officer. They do not however provide any information about his family. This essay does not reveal what his parents did for living or what type of childhood he had or if he had any siblings. Lemaître was ordained as an abbé in 1923 after the World War 1. He studied with “the distinguished English astronomer Arthur Eddington […]” in 1924. He attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he earned a physics Ph.D. After which, beginning in 1925 he taught…
guard solider accidently shot a round at the protesters, sparking other soldiers to shoot at the protesters. This resulted in the killing of four students and the injury of nine. This sparked the band, Crosby Stills and Nash, to write the song Ohio( They were not the only group to make protest music about the Vietnam War. Many bands made songs about the Vietnam was such as Creedence Clearwater Revival, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and Edwin Starr( Edwin Starr’s song, War, was…
Edwin Powell Hubble was born on November 20th, 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri. He was the third child of seven kids. His dad was John P. Hubble, and his mom was Virginia Lee James Hubble. Edwin lived in Missouri until his grade school years, when his dad moved to Chicago in 1898 for his real estate business. Hubble went to Wheaton High School in Chicago, where he excelled as a student and an athlete. Hubble graduated in the class of 1906 when he was just 16 years old, two years younger than most…
The Scottsboro Case A case that was unfair to the defendants and to the society of mankind. The Scottsboro Case first started on March 25,1931 9 young black men were wrongly accused. During this time black men were allowed to have jobs, but whites were still harboring racial feelings towards blacks. The 9 young black men oldest 19 and youngest 13 were on the way to find work in Alabama as they were on the train a fight broke out between them with the whites. As the train began to slow the…