The amount of diverse learners is increasing more rapidly every day. The traditional method of teaching no longer meets the needs of all classroom students and can sometimes be ineffective. When teachers address each individual student’s needs, and interest, the students are more likely to learn or will likely be motivated to learn. While responding to those needs, the term differentiated instruction arises. Differentiated instruction’s main objective is taking full advantage of each student’s ability to learn. Tomlinson (2000) stated that, “differentiation is not just an instructional strategy, nor is it a recipe for teaching; rather it is an innovative way of thinking about teaching and…
skillfully integrate teaching and clinical practice and enhance learner development and socialization using best practices in interpersonal skills, education technology and teaching strategies. The Collaborator Role - The collaborator role is useful in teaching, research, and service. In the realm of teaching, the ANE collaborates with faculty col- leagues, administrators, and community agencies to deliver optimal learning experi- ences. Collaboration in teaching may involve establishing new…
Entry 1 1a) Reflect on how your learner’s profile will affect your training preparation (e.g lesson plan in Module 2) & training delivery (Module 3) To provide at least 1 example of all of the following: 1) Demographics – Age, Race and Gender are important parts in planning a training plan. Training must appeal to the young and old learners involved. Care must be taken not to broach on sensitive topics based on gender E.g the antagonist should not always be a female (auntie) E.g Acronyms or…
Planning a teaching and learning session requires a thorough understanding of the complex, 3-way relationships that exist between the teacher, the curriculum and the students. This will enable the creation of a lesson that best meets the needs of all the learners in a class. The Curriculum: In order for a curriculum to be suitable for a particular group of students, the teacher must interpret the formal curriculum document and have a complete understanding of the requirements, expectations,…
selecting and implementing resources for course training plans which include methods and media analysis, the systematic approach to selecting the correct resources that facilitate learning. These course training plans are used by instructors for external courses. The courses are both theory and practical based with the majority practical, therefore the correct selection of aids is essential so as not to confuse the young learners in the initial stages of their career development. Each lesson…
Strategy for Children and Learners (Department for Education and Skills, DfES 2004: 7) emphasised personalised learning as “a system that responds to individual pupils, by creating an education path that takes account of their needs, interests and aspirations.” Another definition provided by Miliband (DfES, 2004b) is the “high expectation of every child, given practical form by high quality teaching based on a sound knowledge and understanding of each child’s needs”. From both of these…
Demonstrating Knowledge of Students o I believe that knowing your students skills, interests, culture, and learning style is imperative to being able to effectively teach each student. • To do this I will have individual meetings with each of my students once a quarter. During these meetings I will get to know them on a personal level, and they can ask me questions about myself, or any concerns they have in the class or at home. I will also, design my lessons so that they meet the interests,…
SJA the majority of our learners are predominantly adults, therefore they have a range of skills and previous educational experiences. They are | |generally independent and have their own ways of learning the First Aid course. | | | |Therefore the following teaching and…
profession of teaching, one of the fundamental qualities has been the ability to understand the factors that may impact the process of teaching-learning. In this respect, the understanding of the contextual factors which may affect the learner’s ability to learn, is crucial. It is worthwhile to note that these contextual factors are never fixed and hence they keep on changing from class to class, therefore the teacher should have capability to analyze and understand the specific needs of a…
Standard #5: Application of Content The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. During my student teaching experience, I always tried make learning connect to my students lives. I did this by working hard to get to know my students. I always tried to ask them about their weekends, what they did after school and watch what…