Two 19th century global trends–industrialization and imperialism–were driven by the nations of Europe, but influenced every corner of the Earth. Industrialization, or the transformation of an economy from being agriculturally based to being based on manufactured goods, created a higher sense of nationalism within Europe. Nationalism was taken a step further in the late 1800’s with imperialism, or the direct controlling of other countries for political and economic benefits. By increasing nationalism, in addition to wealth, industrialization and imperialism spurred European competition, which ultimately catalyzed the continent’s movement towards war. Beginning in Great Britain in the late 18th century, industrialization completely altered Europe’s landscape. Industrialization increased the need for factory workers and accordingly caused many rural families to move into cities. This population shift strengthened the bonds between individuals whom, in the countryside, would have no connection to each other. While nations existed before industrialization, the concept of a truly unified country was strengthened during this period. Without nationalism, it is unlikely that a war of World War 1’s magnitude would ever happen, since people would have less…
Nationalism and Imperialism became very important and impacting concepts in the nineteenth century. Not only was Nationalism and Imperialism existent in the nineteenth century, but these two concepts and ideas existed before the nineteenth century and started to rise and increase in impact in the late nineteenth, early twentieth centuries. By definition, Nationalism was the concept or idea that a country was better than all the others, which contributed to governments distinguishing themselves…
the two main causes that led to it are nationalism and industrialization. Nationalism is a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries. With that being said people acquire their identity from their nation and therefore owe their nation their loyalty. It can include religion, language, political authority and as well as traditions and shared history. France was the first to subsidize the idea…
political factors with Germany, Imperialism, a web of alliances and nationalism. There were many factors that threatened the world during this time, but these are just a few issues that threatened global stability and they also contributed to the build up to World War I, which was the greatest issue and threat during this time period. German conservatives were hesitant about war. They thought that losing a war would have been disastrous and even if they had won it might alienate the population…
Napoleon Bonaparte, the Concert of Europe would try, and fail, to resist the popular nationalism and political liberalism suggested by the French revolutions of 1789 and 1830. In what would blossom into The People’s Spring of 1848, Europeans would exorcise the monarchies of the continent, establishing nationalistic sovereignty. These provisional governments would fail, but would reinforce the potential of popular nationalism and liberalism, two concepts which would…
actions by he rich. The progressive era is the term applied to a variety of responses to the economic and social problems rapid industrialization introduced to America. It had begun as an social movement and grew into a political movement. The Progressive era was known as a period of widespread social activism. One of the main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government. Progressive had its…
The Causes of World War 1/ the Great War The Great War, or what most people know it as World War 1, was an extremely bloody war that took place in Europe from 1914-1919. World War 1 caused an estimated of 10 million soldier deaths and 20 million more wounded. Finally, at the end of 1918, the Versailles Treaty was signed by the countries taking part in the war, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Britain, France and Russia, which was a treaty that ended the state of war between Germany and the…
Background on Nationalism & Gender in Republican China The purpose of this section is to provide a basic understanding of nationalism and gender in Republican China (1911-1949). There will be a brief analysis of how and why Chinese nationalism developed, followed by another brief analysis of how gender expectations in society may have changed. The understanding of nationalism and gender in Republican China is important to this essay because it provides a background to the essay’s argument. In…
The time before 1914 was a time of unrest and fighting between countries. Due to industrialization, countries had had to find new markets which were often in other countries. The country had to take over the land in order to take over the markets. This policy of conquering and ruling other lands is called imperialism. By 1900, Britain had control in over five continents and France had control of large portions of Africa as a result of imperialism. In addition, the Ottoman Empire had control of…
copied from China and Russia from Byzantium and the Mongols. They knew that learning from the West could be profitable and wouldn’t destroy their native cultures. In Japan, the Emperor Meiji sent out samurai to parts of the West to pick up ideas. Western style clothing such as ties, pants, and loafers replaced traditional samurai outfitting. Western hygiene including toothbrushes, vaccines and patent medicines were introduced and Western-style haircuts replaced the traditional samurai shaved…