The Partition of India was when the abdication of British Imperialism of India, and the creation of a Muslim State, separating India into a Hindu prominent India and Muslim prominent East and West Pakistan. Jawaharlal Nehru was the main Hindu leader during the time, later on becoming the first Prime Minister of India. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the main leader of the Muslim population and eventually became the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. Finally, Lord Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of India, and the first Governor-General of newly independent and partitioned India. The role of leadership in the 1947 Partition of India had three key figures, who were Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and Louis Mountbatten to represented the three…
Stuck in the Middle: The Story of Kashmir “The consequences of that partition have been so terrible that one is inclined to think that anything else would have been preferable.” Nehru the Prime Minister of India at the time of partition spoke about the tragedy that occurred because of the partition, including the faith of Kashmir. The partition of India and Pakistan occurred in 1947 when the British disengaged their hold over India, but India would also lose part of its land to a new country…
the end of British ruling on India, India gained its independence on August 15, 19472. When the representatives of the Raj’s Muslims claimed that partition between India and Pakistan would solve all contests over who had authority to rule the territory of British India by dividing the land to two successor states (Sunil 29). But in reality, it became repeated image in the following history which will never die away to a long-lasting challenge to the territorial authority of the successor states.…
Over the years, the number of refugees from the area of Sindh have increased, the first exodus of refugees which entered India at the time of Partition were resettled in areas of North India, particularly Delhi. They were placed in campsites which were later converted into permanent housing through Government of India. There were a number of schemes which were implemented for the process of rehabilitation and integration of Pakistani refugees. A number of laws were introduced such as The…
The Partition of India was the process of dividing the sub-continent along sectarian lines, which took place in 1947 as India gained its independence from British Empire. The northern part predominantly Muslim, became nation of Pakistan and the southern predominantly Hindu became the Republic of India, the partition however devastated both India and Pakistan as the process claimed many lives in riots, rapes, murders and looting. The two countries began their independence with ruined economics…
Sidhwa’s third novel Ice-Candy Man was published in 1991. In America, her publishers Milkweed Editions published it under the title of Cracking India. Using a child narrator named Lenny, the novelist presents the Kaleidoscopically changing socio political realities of the Indian sub-continent just before the partition. This extremely sensitive story takes up the themes of communal tensions, using religion as a way to define individual identity, territorial cravings political opportunism, power…
Midnight’s Children The history of India and its neighbouring countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh, is a rich and luminous tale as it encompasses the countless successes and hardships each country experienced during its development as independent entities. In 2012, Deepa Mehta, an Indo-Canadian film director with a screenplay by Salman Rushdie, a British Indian novelist, produced the film “Midnight’s Children.” Together they brought to the screen a magical yet historical tale on the partition of…
In the chapter titled ‘Pathways to Peace’ he advocated a ‘three Track solution.’ In track one he advocated dialogues and partnerships between India and Pakistan. In the second track, he suggested that similar dialogues should take place between New Delhi and Srinagar. In the third track talks should be initiated between Muzaffarabad and Srinagar, the two sides of the divided J&K. However, he based his solution taking cue from the peace process elsewhere, specially in Ireland. It can be argued…
Meenakshi Mukherjee in the essay “Maps and Mirrors: Co-ordinates of Meaning in The Shadow Lines” makes this observation: The grandmother’s expectation of the border between India and East Pakistan grew indirectly out of her experience of the territorial division she had witnessed in childhood. When the ancestral home was divided, the brothers insisted on their rights with a lawyer-like precision so that the dividing line went through doorways and the brothers even partitioned their father’s…
Pakistan and left a questionable legacy in the process. Years before, and during the creation of Pakistan, India was ruled by the British and Indians hated the way the British ruled their country. Some in India, such as Mohandas Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah helped India and Pakistan separate from the British Empire. They tried for years before they made it happen.…