active and healthy lifestyle. In order to achieve that goal a teacher must understand how to assess the student’s understanding of the material being taught. Many physical education programs only use one form of assessment such as the Presidential Fitness Test, the FitnessGram or a skills test. Each program only tests the physical performance and not cognitive performance as well. Physical Education is more than just doing the physical act because the students must understand the principles behind the act and how it is helping them toward living an active and healthy lifestyle. Students should not be assessed using only one form of assessment because not all students…
This research provide practitioners and researchers with an assessment on both packages in CDMs(Cognitive diagnostic models)by model retrofitting and parameters comparison. Two such R packages of interest here is CDM: Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling and GDINA: The Generalized DINA model framework. The specific cognitive diagnosis models of interest are the G-DINA model, the DINA model, the DINO model, additive CDM, Linear logistic model (LLM) and reduced reparameterized unified model (RRUM). We…
Teaching and Assessment Strategies Manning and Bucher (2012) describe ‘withitness’ as a descriptor indicating that a teacher is aware of what is occurring within his/her classroom at all times and is able to multitask with competence and confidence (p. 270). In all types of teaching it is important to possess ‘withitness,’ however, it is especially important when utilizing individualized instruction (p. 167). Individualized instruction allows teachers to provide students with personal attention…
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) is the new assessment in Georgia that has taken the place of the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (GCRCT). The purpose of the Georgia Milestones is to measure how well students have mastered the knowledge and skills charted in the state-adopted Common Core Standards in mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. The test also shows students’ readiness for the next grade level. Although the Georgia Milestones…
My opinion of assessment has changed because having to learn and research about different types of assessment open my eyes to a different opinion. Reading the lecture for the week, reading Mueller’s website, learning about authentic assessment versus traditional assessment, learning about standardized test in general and in our state, and reading about different opinions of people involved in the process has contributed for my reflection. To be clear in what I want to express about assessment, I…
that I substantiate my views – i.e. I do not engage in an argument about values; and that I am sensitive to the importance of values to people. The concept of cognitive dissonance is important in this context. Cognitive dissonance can generate feelings of discomfort when values are challenged, either by inconsistency in personal values and behaviors (e.g. I am concerned about the environment but am an extensive air-traveler, and aware that this is environmentally unfriendly) or by external value…
Assignment Questions 1. List three things you learned about assessment and measurement in the context of the video discussions. First and foremost, properly conceived assessment is an essential aspect of education. The educational review process and all associated components should be routinely examined to ensure quality as well as make improvements. Because learning is a very complex endeavor, it is important to create measurement instruments that are sufficiently comprehensive and applicable…
Once students were done we hung the posters up around the room and did a gallery walk. After our gallery walk we came back together as a whole group and discussed the big idea of systems interact. How did we see that idea in the video and readings? How were they able to apply it to their posters? And where did they see it in the other groups posters? Did they think that themselves as systems would be able to interact and successfully trade? Or would their interaction end up without success? This…
American Psychological Association [APA] (2010) emphasizes the importance of considerations for diversity in clinical practice. Their ethical standards note that assessing psychologist must use an instrument with established validity and reliability with members of the population the client belongs/identifies. Considering the fact that the population in this country (the US) is becoming more diverse than ever before (APA, 2003), it is critical that an assessment instrument to be the valid test…
I haven’t had the chance to use the new assessments tools to see what my opinion of them as of yet. Most test touch on the 5 developmental domains recognized by IDEA while others many only touch on one main domain such as behavior or emotional development, other factors might be the child’s age and many other factors as in environmental, and biological status. Environmental factors are a very big part of the assessment process, is there a cultural difference, as well as can you understand the…