Cognitive Load Analysis For this week’s assignment I have chosen to critique an instruction aid pertaining to burn victims. This instruction is a PowerPoint presentation I found off of the internet and is uploaded along side this paper. While the PowerPoint presentation was created back in 2012 the information is still relevant and used today. When a patient arrives in the hospital emergency room with burns the main priority for staff is to remove all clothing and jewelry from the patient while also assessing their airway or ability to breath and maintain oxygenation. During this initial assessment the providers (nurses and doctors) are also applying the rule of 9. The rule of 9 basically divides the body into sections with each divided…
a hard time but because he knows the grass is greener on the other side. He also sings, “I 'm pushing to stay with something better,”(6) reiterating that he is struggling to overcome his addiction. All throughout the poetic song he repeats himself as most songs do called a chorus, but he more than repeats the chorus, he purposely repeats himself, such as in line 20, 30, and 44, as symbolism, a symbol for the habitual repetitive use of addictive behavior, that is alcoholism. Think of someone in…
I will now look at drop shipping which has been developed as a result of disintermediation. It is defined by (Shopify 2016) as “Drop shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn 't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product”. With the advancements in technology drop shipping has become a very valuable…
Geography Lesotho is a small African country located in the southern portion of Africa. Lesotho is enclaved by the country, South Africa. Lesotho’s natural resources are water, agricultural grazing land, diamonds, sand, clay and building stone. The country’s terrain consists of highlands with plateaus, hills, and mountains. The country is divided into 10 healthcare districts. The mountainous terrain and limited road infrastructure of Lesotho creates a barrier for individuals to access these…
resistance not only hinders your muscles ability to receive carbs for energy, but now causes them to break down in place of the “missing” sugar, which has been in your fat cells this whole time. How do we stop this from going too far and prevent further fat gains? Eating fewer calories is not the answer. Eating less sugar is. Calories do have some effect to your weight gains because eating too much obviously causes fat to become present. However, the main villain in this situation is excessive…
Introduction South Africa has the largest number of HIV infections, with approximately 6.4 million people living with HIV ( Shisana O et al., 2014) and 29.5% (National Department of Health, 2014) of this part were pregnant women. Figure 1 (Barron et al., 2013) showed prevalence of HIV infection among pregnant women from 1990 and 2010. From 2002 to 2012, HIV prevalence decreased among children (Avert, 2015). However, there were 9% of newly infected with HIV live in South Africa in 2011 (UNAIDS,…
This book tells the story of Damon Courtenay as he tries to overcome the adversities caused by haemophilia and Aids. After I finished this book, I was disappointed by the treatment people with HIV and Aids received, particularly by the men and women in the medical profession. I don't want to sound hypocritical and judge these people because personally, I don't know how I will react to such situation, particularly in the 1980’s where the knowledge of this disease was very low. I also believe…
Mary Ellen Kubit Writing 1310 8 September 2016 Cognitive Overload Have you ever gone to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator only to realize you couldn’t remember what you were looking for? How about staying up all night cramming and then forgetting everything as soon as the test is over? If so, you have just experienced cognitive overload, a result of our short-term memory exceeding the amount of information it can hold. …
Distracted and confused: Selective attention under load According to this article, Distracted and confused?: Selective attention under load, it is important to focus on goal-relevant stimuli when interfering distractors can make cognitive functions difficult (Lavie, 2005). Many individuals experience disruptions in their daily tasks, but it is not sufficient to simply ignore any stimuli that is irrelevant. This author stated that there was a longstanding debate as to whether focusing on…
Introduction An elementary hypothesis on multimedia learning and cognitive theory has taken a different turn with the introduction of motion pictures. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning is a theory of how students or rather people learn from pictures, words and motions, based on the notion that, every individual posses a unique channel of processing verbal and visual information. Literature Review In the literature review, there are a number of studies done on the impacts of…