Marina Abramovic – a genius or a traumatized lunatic? There is no denying that Marina Abramovic is one of the greatest, most influental and extreme performance artists of our modern era. She is a pioneer who has shaped the form of performance art and tested it's boundaries with her shocking performances such as Rhythm 0 and The Artist is present. Her performances often shed light on human behavior, as well as test the limits of our psychological and physical abilities. How far can a performance go, how much can a person take? Those are the kind of questions that arise during her performances. But who is Marina Abramovic, and is she really as enlightened as she would like you to believe with those shamanistic rituals she has been vouching for? Or is she just a deeply disturbed soul, trying to do anything for attention, money and her own 15 minutes of fame? And how about her relationship with the german artist Ulay, that has inspired her in many of her works? These are questions that only Abramovic herself propably knows the the correct answer to. However in this paper, I will try to get to know the character that is Marina Abramovic a little bit better, shed light on some of her important works and working methods and try to form some kind of an personal opinion on this artist I find very interesting. So, without further ado, let's start with some insight of her early years; About Childhood Abramovic was born on November 30 in 1946, right after the second World War, in…
Saving The Homeless As A Nation: Kevin Fagan, the author of “Homeless, Mike Dick Was 51, Looked 66” is a staff writer for the San Francisco chronicle who has covered homelessness nationally through 2003 to 2006. In this essay, Fagan is observing the life of a man named Mike Dick, who is a homeless man in San Francisco. Fagan uses pathos in the essay as well as ethos, and comparisons to provide examples in forming an effective argument for creating a change involving the homeless around the…
BUM-A-RIDE’s business structure can essentially be divided into three basic disciplines: Supply, demand and evaluation. The supply function of BUM-A-RIDE is the business associated with acquiring the transportation, including fundraising, accounting, purchasing tickets and bus vouchers, and networking with transportation companies to find new forms of assistance available to our clients. The demand function is simply focused on finding those in need, encouraging them to take advantage of our…
It is not an unusual for New York residents and people across the America to encounter number of homeless people sleeping on pieces of card box with plastic cover in the street asking for a change. Some of them yelling insanely at random people, some are sleeping with a stress wrinkle on their face and some are just sitting there and staring. These homeless people did not choose to become homeless. These people were born to a family and lived with family before they ended up on the street. So,…
Homelessness is a very serious issue not only in our area, but all over the United States. According to statistics, there are approximately 578,424 individuals that are experiencing homelessness(National Alliance to End Homelessness). This epidemic, so to speak, is so widespread that it reaches into every state and impacts every community. In most cases, the people who are homeless cannot help that they are without a home. The circumstances of the homeless individual’s position could be that…
Prior to the documentary workshops, I initially felt that all homeless people were on the streets because they had done something unacceptable and ‘deserved’ to be there, such as alcohol abuse or drug addiction, and when passing them on the street I would not really care about their situation because I had been taught as a child to stay away from strangers, so I chose to stay clear of them. When I was told that the drama workshop was about homelessness, I was a bit disappointed because I was…
“Feed Me Diamonds” is a song written by MNDR, a New York-based two-man band, as an homage to Maria Abramovíc, a New York-based Serbian performance artist. Her works explore the connection between the performer and the audience and the possibilities it could create for a short duration of time. She’s been making people cry just by looking straight into their eyes; cut herself in front of a crowd, and even made one to almost pull a trigger right in front of her face. She’s been often called as the…
The Extinction of Homelessness As 2016 begin to come to an end. Most families in America are focusing on the presidential election, planning year end events or even establishing resolutions for the new year. While the invisible part of most cities population is faced with regular pivotal decision. How will I survive a brutal winter without proper housing? On the surface this may appear to be an uncomplicated matter, to the casual, but it is genuinely a painstakingly complicated matter.…
During this rating period, Zhenya Gezalyan continued her assignment as a GAIN Services Worker (GSW) in the Homeless Case Management Program Unit at the Southwest Family CalWORKs district. She performed the duties of a Homeless Case Manager (HCM) under the supervision of the rater, Terry McKinney. While under Ms. McKinney’s supervision, Ms. Gezalyan was primarily responsible for assessing the needs of homeless and at-risk of being homeless families applying for/or already receiving CalWORKs,…
Research shows that a homeless family is typically a single female in her late 20’s with two children under the age of 6. (Rog & Buckner, 2007; U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007). Nowadays, it is uncommon for men to be in a family unit. Children, that young, experiencing homelessness can be affected in many ways. Homelessness can affect children emotionally, educationally, socially, and developmentally. During a time of homelessness, a mother and child’s relationship is very important during the…