child can lead them to have increased aggression, and mental health problems for children. Parents need to know other techniques of how to discipline children, and why those are techniques are more effective. There has been research done to prove that spanking is an ineffective form of punishment. Parents find themselves using this form of punishment for their kids generally because they are frustrated with their child and think it is a harmless form of punishment. Spanking a child is doing permanent damage to a temporary problem. Spanking can be defined in many different ways. The Oxford dictionary defines spanking as “An act of slapping, especially on the buttocks as a punishment for children.” For many, people believe that the definition of spanking is something different but anything else beyond a slap on the buttocks is considered abuse. Cultures see spanking differently than what Oxford defines it as but experts believe this to be correct. There have been many different cases to prove that aggression in children was caused from being spanked or abused as a child. According to Psychology Today, “Spanking predicted increases in children’s aggression over and above initial levels [of aggressive behavior]” and “in none of these longitudinal studies did spanking predict reductions in children’s aggression over time” (p. 134). Spanking at a young age can lead to a child carrying the trait of aggression, anti-social behavior, or health problems for the rest of his or her…
message to kids that it is okay for a person to strike a smaller person. There is some truth to this message. When a parent spanks their child out of anger or frustration, then it does send the wrong message to the child. When a parent makes the decision to spank a child, it should be done out of love. The goal is not to cause pain, but to teach the child a lesson. Spanking should not be the first option. If a child goes into the street, the dangers should be explained to the child. If the child…
Piriformis Syndrome With Rehab Piriformis syndrome is a condition that can cause pain and numbness in your buttocks and down the back of your leg. Piriformis syndrome happens when the small muscle that connects the base of your spine to your hip (piriformis muscle) presses on the nerve that runs down the back of your leg (sciatic nerve). The piriformis muscle helps your hip rotate and helps bring your leg back and out. It also helps shift your weight while you are walking to keep you stable.…
“please don’t hit me”. People say that spanking should only be used as a last resort when all else fails. If a parent spanks their children any more than a last resort than they are teaching their children to fear them instead of respect them. A simple spanking generates respect while a beating will generate fear and hatred. One point stated is the size difference of the parent verses the child. Some parents foreget how much bigger they are than the child and because the child cant defend…
inches and her bra size was a 36D. Skinny women who before had the ideal boyish body were so ashamed they would take supplements to gain weight, a complete reverse from the past. Some women who wanted the hour glass figure started buying hip and butt padding which was gave them the appearance of curves. In the present day, beauty is often defined by someone with noticeable curves. Although the small waist still somewhat applies in modern days, women are now turning their attention on…
Three months had passed ever since the twin sisters moved into the Underground. The first month with the skeleton brothers went quite swimmingly. They were well fed; Papyrus served spaghetti nearly every day, with rare occasions of something new every once in a while to 'spice things up. ' The girls were never bored while they stayed with the brothers. They went on many adventures. Going to Grillby 's, setting up puzzles, solving Junior Jumbles and many Crosswords. Not to mention spending…
The Day I Stopped Touching You know how some people don’t like others to touch their belongings without their permission? Well that’s how my mom is and she is very strict about those kinds of things. Like most people were, when I was little we loved touching everything, despite the ban of grownups. My mom always said that I couldn’t touch her possessions unless she said to do so, even if it was mine or someone gave it to me. The reason why is that because in Haiti, if a grown up gives a child…
You may have known someone who has gone through IVF and have heard about the infamous shots and other aspects of the treatment. Chances are that unless you have gone through infertility, you haven’t been exposed to the depth of what this process really entails. Join me as I take you on a tour of what it is like to struggle with infertility and undergo the oppressing, all consuming IVF process. The IVF process, from start to finish Tour stop #1: You enter an office filled with pleasant, smiling…
On August 31, 2017, the undersigned detective and Detective Rivera interviewed 9 years old Camila at 429 O Street, NW. Camila stated that on August 29, 2017, she went to the dentist appointment with her mother and 5 years old brother (Juan Contreras). Camila further stated that she and her brother got in trouble because they refused to listen to their mom at the dentist office. Camila stated that when they got home, she and her brother were disciplined by her stepfather Mr. Juan Margarito.…
A butt lift is a surgical procedure Dr. Farbod Esmailian uses to address the loose skin located above the buttocks, as well as low hanging buttocks. In addition, a patient who would like his or her butt to appear fuller may choose to have fat transferred from one area of the body to the buttocks. Dr. Esmailian can harvest fat from one area to use as a living transplant in the patient’s buttocks. Why People in Orange County Choose to Have a Butt Lift A butt lift is ideal for individuals who…