Corporal punishment

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    “The word "punishment" comes from the same root (Z.. poena) as do the words "penalty" and "pain"”(Maurer, 614). It is hard to say exactly what punishment entails because it can be defined differently all throughout the United States and the world. It is not uncommon for scientist to come up with new words and change the meanings of old ones. Times change and words change all the time. For this paper I think it is important to understand “The synonyms "chastise," "discipline," and "correct" are differentiated by noting that while punishment indicates some retribution inflicted after a disobedience, chastise is likely to suggest the infliction of pain in the hope of effecting a reformation; discipline may involve punishment but always suggests…

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    Corporal punishment has become a topic of debate in recent years, and can be a polarizing subject to converse about. Corporal punishment or what others refer to as spanking, is the physical chastisement used when a child is disobedient or practices bad behavior. Corporal punishment has been banned at schools in 31 states; 19 states still support it. Additionally, many parents continue to argue that physical correction is a necessity for children. On the other hand, there are many who refuse to…

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    Mulvaney, M. K., & Mebert, C. J. (2007). Parental corporal punishment predicts behavior problems in early childhood. Journal Of Family Psychology, 21(3), 389-397. doi:10.1037/0893-3200.21.3.389 Introduction Corporal punishment is the action of inflicting pain to the body and used as a “disciplinary” technique to correct a child’s behavior. For many decades, psychologists and parents have been battling about physical discipline and its detrimental effects on children specially kids between the…

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    The hypotheses of this research will be to determine if parents should use corporal punishment and can corporal punishment be an acceptable discipline tool in the rearing of children. The method will include questionnaires, demographic data, surveys, and incentive pay. Past research revealed that over 90% of parents physically punished their children (Straus, 1983; Straus, Gelles & Steinmetz, 1980; Wauchope & Straus, 1990). Sampling of college students indicated similar data with a 90%…

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    that the best way to punish their children is corporal punishment (physical punishment). However, others believe that corporal punishment is harmful physically and mentally for their children. There are better ways to discipline children, whether it be time outs or taking away privileges. Also, in school lunch detention or In-School Suspension are great ways to punish to bring behavior change to that child. “The results of a representative German sample using multivariate analyses show that…

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    Corporal punishment of children is a highly debated issue. With both supporters and opponents throughout history, it has been studied and discussed in academia, the media, and even in the judicial system. With statistical information and valid arguments presented from both sides, one can delve into the complicated discussion of it’s effectiveness thoroughly. In order to discuss the effectiveness of corporal punishment one must first understand what the definition of corporal punishment is.…

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    the “norm” of corporal punishment; lashing with a cane, ruler, or belt, I can safely say that there was certainly no one there to stop the teacher if he or she ever went out of hand, and you almost had to draw your luck if whatever you were doing was deemed disrespectful or rude, that the teacher was in a good mood. I profoundly remember my kindergarten mathematics teacher, Mrs. Ama, a very strict lady who didn’t tolerate anything, being late, not having homework, or not responding, she even…

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    Corporal Punishment

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    Every child, every parent, and every situation is different, the punishment that follows than should also be different. One way is Corporal punishment, but it is not a fix all, therefore should not be used for everything and all the time, but it is a good tool to use once in a while. Corporal punishment is as viable as any other form of punishment, all form of punishment can become abusive, not just corporal. Taking away the rights of a parent to use every tool they have from theses situation…

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    Corporal punishment as explained by Frechette, Zoratti, and Romano (2015) is a form of discipline often defined as the “use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purposes of correction or control of the child’s behavior.” (p.135) Corporal punishment techniques (spanking) have existed for many years and has been a permanent form of discipline when dealing with children. There are various ways that parents familiarize their child with…

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    Corporal Punishment Waiting outside the principal's door, nervous about what pain comes, my heart is racing, and then when I get called in, I go to a dark room, very similar to a closet, I lay down, and then abruptly I get whacked! Although, it was extremely painful it helped me become a greater person in life. Corporal punishment can injure the human body, but it is still a necessity to be re incorporated, because it gives discipline, shows students to respect authority, and how to behave. …

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