“One of the most exciting sports stories in recent years was the attempt to break Roger Maris’ single-season home run record. On September 8, 1998, Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals made history by hitting his sixty-second home run,” writes William Dudley. He also notes, “However, many people believe that McGwire’s achievement was tarnished by a revelation some weeks earlier that he had been using androstenedione, a compound that temporarily boosts levels of the male sex hormone testosterone” (7). This revelation drew attention to the serious problem of performance- enhancing drug use in professional and amateur sports. In the world of sports, performance enhancing drugs and blood doping can cause health problems, damages to…
Since the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act was signed into law in 1992, sports betting has been illegal in all but four of the fifty U.S. states: Nevada, Oregon, Montana, and Delaware. Nevada could offer single game sports betting, while the others were limited to betting on multiple games simultaneous through a sports parlay lottery. Introducing the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) posed unprecedented challenges to the U.S. betting market. Yet, consumers' and…
Momma told me to come here...the scavenger hunt. It’s of course because of the money, but she doesn’t care if I win or not. It doesn’t matter if I lose, this scavenger hunt is a viral TV show meant for entertainment. Entertainment meaning even if I don’t find that mone- the reward, I sti- we still get paid. I tried to explain to my mother that entering this show is dangerous, last episode a thirteen year old girl was caught on fire, and she passed away. The sad part about it is that she…
Athletes are Paid Fairly \Athletes will turn down huge contracts mentioning they have a family to feed. Being an athlete can ruin you, yet athletes still do what they love to entertain us. Athletes risk so many things. For example they get injured to please us, that is their way of making money. Athletes are so busy they don’t have time to think about retirement, so when retirement comes it’ll be hard for them to support themselves and their family. Have you ever thought about how athletes risk…
thesis stated in the title. Why the hell does our society care so damn much about sports? There are hundreds upon thousands of men and women making millions of dollars quite simply because they excel at hurling an orange ball into a circular hoop. Bill Simmons wrote a nine page article about an oversized man’s “legacy” of putting a ball into said hoop. This poses a rather difficult question, are athletes really worth all of that money flowing into their pockets? The answer, shocking as it…
country with less developed sport industry, I can say that I had no idea about the different opportunities and various career paths I can pursue. With each chapter we covered during the semester, I have discovered another career path that I can follow with desire therefore I first want to talk about the other sport related career opportunities I had an interest before deciding my ultimate goal. The sport agency is one of those options which I don’t have interest anymore. Being a sports agent is…
drugs, alcohol, and clothing lines. Athletes salary is usually millions of dollars, athletes salaries are, too much money, athletes are healthy, the children that are starving all over America are not. The athletes will dissipate that money, that money that could help children in pain, to help starving children, but most of the athletes don’t help and all that money that could help that children goes to drugs, alcohol, and their clothing lines. When the athletes start helping these children,…
The ad I selected to analyze was an ad from Nike called “Unlimited You”. The people that are depicted in the ad are children, amateur athletes, pro athletes and anyone who has a dream that may seem unbearable to accomplish. Both male and female are symbolized in this ad. There are very well skillful men and women in this ad that are competing in high competition. There facial expressions in the ad show their competitive side, meaning they have fierce looks. They are dressed in uniform for…
NCAA: Always and Forever Amateur Imagine being able to go to college for free and be able to play the sport you enjoy the most. This is the life of many college athletes. They get free rides in college, and they get to play their favorite sport as well. The National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, has kept the athletic events amateur since the beginning of college sports. Now, athletes are demanding that they get paid for their college services. Student athletes already get…
for food and gas money" he declared for the NBA draft the following week. This isn't the only instance where a very popular college athlete feels they should receive money if merchandise with their name on it is being advertised for purchase. The NCAA has been an amateur association since it's creation. It wasn't the hottest conversation to talk about paying college athletes but many people nowadays…