I find this product appealing because it is very eye-catchy and also exclusive compared to all the other sporting brands. The target audience for this product is children, teens, and adults. The entire ad as children, teens and adults in every scene trying to impose that no matter what age you are you can still compete with the best. The emotions that made this ad very effective was showing the audience that impossible is nothing if you wear Nike clothing. It was very effective due to the fact that the athletes showed in the ad were world top class athletes. Children were competing next to these athletes in the ad and it opens the eyes for children all over the world to hopefully become successful like these athletes have been if they wear Nike clothing. I have always been a big Nike supporter due to the fact of how relaxing and trendy their clothing is. I have played different sports throughout my career and I have been privileged enough to wear Nike clothing during those years. The dri-fit material that Nike uses have always been, one that has helped my …show more content…
For example, there is a young teenage girl jumping off a cliff into the water. This could possibly show children that it is okay to jump off a cliff and be okay with it. For that reason, is why this ad does create unrealistic expectations for people. Although it may not seem sensible for some of these acts that the ad shows it is tended to show defying the physical limits and thriving to achieve anything. This ad is socially responsible because it is an ethical framework suggested for athletes and competitors all over the world. To be socially responsible means that individuals have to perform to maintain a balance between the economy. To think of oneself as a citizen rather than primarily a consumer means that not trying to pursue someone into buying something. A citizen can talk to someone and help them decide what they actually need in their life for whatever the case may be and as primarily a consumer their focus is to sell that product no matter the need for that product. It is possible to be a citizen and a consumer because people may need that certain product for what they are looking for and it could be a brand they will help them better than the others. That is a major reason why Nike has been so successful. Many athletes and consumers can tell the differences compared to other companies. It 's a fun and inspiring ad