Abstract: Since time immemorial, education has been an important instrument for social and economic transformations. The swift development in information and communication technologies all over the world has brought many major transformations in the field of education and other fields of life. The paper deals with need of using ICT in education as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in education. What is ICT Information communication and technology in general relates to the sophisticated and expensive computer based technology, but it also includes more conventional technology such as Radio, TV, phone, Tapes etc. According to United Nations Development Prog ramme (UNDP), ICT's are basically information handling tools - a varied set of goods, applications, services that are used to produce, store, process, distribute and exchange information. It can be categorized as the older technology and the newer technology. The older technology which is referred to as Analog media includes - Radio, TV, Phone, Newspapers, Casettes and tapes etc. On the other hand, the newer technology, which is in general called Digital Media includes - computer, satellite and wireless technology and internet. All these…
fishing themselves. As a result, they are controller (Cotterall, 1995) and in charge of their learning themselves. Originally the term learner's autonomy in education was defined by Holec as an ability to take charge of one's own learning (as cited in Dang, 2012). This definition later elaborated as not being "inborn but must be acquired" by formal education practice (Holec, 1981, p. 3). Later "ability and take charge of" were often replaced by "capacity and take responsibility for"…
USING ICT IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION LOKENDRA KUMAR OJHA Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab ojha.lokendra@gmail.com Abstract There are several topics in chemistry which required computational technique to learn and use of ICT enhance learning capacity of learner as well as facilitator. The present article deals with the use of ICT in some of the topic of chemistry. We tried to overcome from routine chalk and talk method to understand the several topic viz. stereochemistries, IUPAC…
aging population along with growing demand of developed healthcare system, information and communication Technologies (ICT) were introduced to accommodate the challenges of the welfare of individuals and public healthcare. ICT have been an essential part of current health care system in improving healthcare for individuals and communities by helping to gather historical data, enhance communication apparatus, and conduct research and evaluations.1 This innovation to provide better and efficient…
(2015) An Exploratory Research on Individual Differences of Technostress: In Convergence Age Work Mandatory Utilitarian Gender, age, level of com-puter use skill, Indus-trial type, Education level, position Overload Invasion Complexity Insecurity Uncertainty Productivity at work, creativity, innovativeness Employees (n=628) Average con-tinuous service year 9.45, years Average com-puter use hours per day 8. 16 hours (Government, Manufacturing, IT, Finance …) Question-naire (e-mail) Computer…
The deployment of the ICTs in rural areas is the single most important factor hindering the implementation of distance education in those locations. Evaluate this statement. There is wide consensus in government and non-government circles, both within individual countries and across many multilateral organisations that the information and communication technologies (ICTs) are critical to overall economic and social development and in particular to human development. With regard to human…
Technologies (ICT). It involves both human and physical resources interacting in a complex manner in a complex environment. The key challenge…
expressed as a string of 0’s and 1’s. Each of these state digits is referred to as a bit. Literacy is the quality or state of being literate, especially the ability to read and write, to question someone’s literacy. Besides, a person’s knowledge of a particular subject or field, to acquire computer literacy, and improving your financial literacy. As a public that very addicted with the Information and Communication (ICT), they expected…
(2000). Measuring the Gender Gap on the Internet (3rd ed.). Austin: The University of Texas Press. Retrieved from http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/mpsc/electric/workgroups/lowincome/internet_gender_gap.pdf Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women through ICT. (2005) (1st ed.). New York. Retrieved from http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/public/w2000-09.05-ict-e.pdf Hilbert, M. (2011). Digital gender divide or technologically empowered women in developing countries? A typical case of lies, damned lies,…
the National Curriculum in nineteen-eighty eight, the core objectives have changed in line with the political, social and economic agendas that the government felt were important at the time of its conception (Shauyb and O'Donnell, 2008). In the eighties, although no explicit aims were mentioned in the first National Curriculum, there was a clear focus on raising academic achievement in mathematics to prepare the ‘next generation’ for a flexible job market (DCSF, 2009). Until the turn of the…