Starting a new job can be stressful when one is not well instructed. A lot of things in workplace can be understood when we actually start working, however, we should be aware about the minimum basic things that might show up during our early work days. These things though might be simple but lack of experience may make it look unethical or unprofessional. In this scenario, as a senior worker it is also my responsibility to make my work area look professional, at least for the position that I worked. As I have been serving as a sales representative for XYZ organization, recognizing my efforts and hard-work that I put in for the positon, the organization wanted me to go beyond the sales representative and landed me on the positon of the Assistant…
surrounding us. Twenty years from now, I’m certain that more and more new powerful technologies would be generated. Generally speaking, the speed of life would become faster than it is right now. We would be able to do more activities in less time. Even though, we are currently living in a world that is developing at a very high rate, but 20 years from now, we would be living in a more advanced life with a double or triple the current rate of the development. I think that technology would…
This is evident on pg. 163, when Chuo is told to get married by her aunt. “Chou, you know I think of you as my own daughter.” Aunt Keang speaks softly as she helps Chou tie up their mosquito nets. “And I’ve loved you as one of my own.” ...“Chou, it is time for you to get married.’ Chou’s stops and looks and at Aunt Keang, her throat tightening...For a girl to refuse her parent’s choice shows great disrespect. It tells the world that she does not trust her elders judgement, and thus causes them…
caters to our fears of lost jobs due to outsourcing, our xenophobia, our fear of loss of culture and identity to an invading other. Both populism and nationalism, at their foundation, rely on the same basic premise: Some schmuck shows up, he sees an opportunity, so he tells the people, “You’re mad, these are the people you should blame, I will save you with my great ideas.” What is unique about what we are seeing, today, is a coalescence of these ideologies into a new form of…
The 1992 Presidential election pitted incumbent President George Bush against the Democratic party’s candidate Bill Clinton and Independent Ross Perot in a contentious campaign. Bush had garnered the votes of the American people in the 1988 election under the pretense that taxes during his presidency under no uncertain terms, or as he famously stated “Read my lips. No new taxes”, would rise. Bush soon breaks this oath to deal with the rising deficit, this action resulting in a lasting effect on…
My First Car As people grow, they start to do new things, learn new things, and say new things. One of the biggest thing that anyone to everyone will do once they become teenagers is drive. Not every teenager gets the chance to drive at first. Some people don’t get to drive until they are older than twenty-one. Driving in todays’ society is either a necessity or just something people want to do. First time driving can go a few different ways. Some people can be scared, while others can be…
feel of a brand new car. Lucky for me at the age of nineteen I was fortunate enough to find that out for myself. After working to save seventeen hundred dollars my mom and I drove to the Honda dealer to go get the car of my dreams. There it was, either it seemed like they knew I was coming, or everywhere I looked the car was there. A black on black coupe EX Honda Civic, power locks, power windows, sunroof, alloy wheels, and the best part was that it was a stick shift. Sitting inside the car for…
The Journey Fast, sporty, black, classy, and luxurious is the car I am buying today. A Chrysler 300, a car I have been dreaming of possessing from the time when I was in middle school, but this is not my first car. As I am gazing and riding in my new car I grin and ponder back to my first car I got two years ago. A car I got a first few months into my junior year that started my journey of freedom and responsibility. Yup, she was a beauty, a 2011 Chevy Malibu in its prime. Freedom, adventure,…
people, because I am passionate about cars. Cars have always brought something positive in my life. For example, they have created such a bond between my father and I. They have also created bonds with my friends and I. Due to these positives that were hauled along with my passion for cars, I want to pursue a career in cars. Ever since I was nine years old I was always in the garage helping my dad fix his or one of his friends' cars. I had huge collections of toy cars when I was little and…
achieve our goals. Since I was a kid, cars were one of my biggest passions. I've always dreamed about the day I would be able to have a car of my own, and drive wherever I want to go and without depending on a taxi or on someone else. The day I bought my first car was a day I will never forget and it was the beginning of a long path I am following in order to become who I want to be, and achieve every single goal I have. It was Summer time, June the 30th 2015, I was waiting for my mom to get…