Drug Abuse in Nigeria Essay

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    Child Protective Services (CPS) faces with a majority of their caseloads, which is drugs. In one particular case stuck with me. This family had both parents, mom and dad, two brothers, ages 16 and 14, and a sister age 12. Both the mother and father had been abusing drugs for some time now. With the drug abuse present, and not trying to conceal their exposer, the mother and father were also very aggressive as well. For the mother it was a combination of drug abuse and she suffered from bipolar I, it made her verbally aggressive. The father was only physically and verbally aggressive when he is under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The reason CPS was referred was for domestic violence that was currently occurring outside the home. By the time CPS arrived, State Police was already at the home and the father in handcuffs, as he tried to fight with the cops as well. Both parents were heavy under the influence of drugs hours after abusing drugs. All three children were removed from the home that night. Currently the children are in a kinship home placement. Contrary to popular belief, drug addiction rarely starts because a person has “felt like it” or because it was “cool.” Drug addiction is linked to mental health…

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    doesn’t need a job, she’s been living off the government for years. The government should require welfare recipients to take a drug test. The federal government should implements drug testing as a guide line…

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    Drug abuse can come in many forms such as, prescription drug abuse, illegal substance abuse, alcoholism, and inhaling things that you probably shouldn’t be such as sharpies and spray paints. In the United States along there are roughly 23 million people a year that are using and abusing drugs. In the U.S alone it costs about $197 billion dollars a year to use drugs and to fight the growing drug problems. Some of the biggest drugs being used are heroine or other opiates, marijuana, and others…

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    Substance abuse occurs everywhere at home, outside, and at work. Substance abuse is a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes (T.B.). Some of the substances are alcohol, drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medicine, and smoking. I’m going to talk about how the substance abuse effect work place, and how should business stop substance abuse. Regardless of the size of a business, it is still necessary for owners, managers and directors to be aware of the effects of…

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    about the effects that self efficacy has on the course of treatment for a person in a drug treatment program. In the study The Role of Self Efficacy in the Treatment of Substance Disorders, Ronald Kadden and Mark Litt found that self efficacy is a strong predictor of outcomes for patients in a drug treatment program. In this study, they found that at the end of a relapse prevention program, self efficacy was high because the focus was put on being able to do or not do what you put your mind too.…

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    Cause Of Drug Use

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    When someone uses drugs, he or she is generally looking for some kind of benefit, or “high”. This paper is about drug addiction and its possible causes. There are many likely causes that would allow for someone to become addicted to drugs. Even though there are many possible factors that lead to an individual becoming addicted , in the following text I will be focusing on the social cause of drug use and how they can cause drug use to become a learned and addictive behavior. Today’s society…

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    On the other hand it would promote economic growth of a substance citizens already use illegally. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, national survey on drug use and health, Table 1.12B – Marijuana Use in Lifetime, Past Year, and Past Month, by Detailed Age Category: Percentages 2014, 44.2% of the United States population has illegally tried marijuana at least once, and 13.2 has used marijuana in the previous year. The use of marijuana is extensively popular…

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    Introduction A substance abuse counselor is in place to encourage and support clients who are addicted to alcohol and drugs. When alcohol and drug abuse client come to an agency to receive treatment, as a counselor it’s important that to encourage the client to receive the help to that the client can be rehabilitated. There are four core function of a counselor that will be discussed in this paper is client education, case management, crisis intervention, and referral. Each of these functions…

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    Welfare Drug Testing Essay

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    Welfare Recipients Drug Testing Should it be mandatory for welfare recipients to be drug tested? This is one of the questions that is being asked all over the country. Many are concerned about whether or not it will cost more or save the government money by taking the drug addicts off welfare programs and giving them to people who really need the benefits. While many believe it is okay to drug test welfare recipients, others feel that drug testing is wrong because they consider it…

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    Pain Medication Drug Abuse Americans are obsessed with popping pills. Our culture believes that a pill will cure anything from the common cold to cancer. Big pharmaceuticals have spent billions of dollars developing and marketing drugs to the young and old. While drugs are beneficial in many ways, there are some major disadvantages to being a society so heavily dependent on drugs. One of those disadvantages is unintentional drug abuse. Many times a doctor will prescribe a drug for pain and…

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