parents, family members, and friends. Their faith in God and love for each other is what separates the Robertson family from other families. The Robertson family is very Christian and respectful to others. The ninth commandment states in Exodus 20:16 “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” This means speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor. The Robertsons follow God’s word very carefully. In the beginning, Phil found this lovely girl named Miss Kay and they started dating. He dated her but then broke up with her because he thought she would get into the way with his duck hunting. Her dad died of a massive heart attack, her mom became an alcoholic, and then they started dating again. He later found out that she loved duck hunting and took her with him sometimes. They got married when he was 16 and she was 15 in 1966. They are still married to this present day. Phil and Miss Kay moved to a six-acre home by the Ouachita River. That’s where they started their family. Miss Kay was in her senior year of high school and she got pregnant with their first son, Alan, in 1965. Then they had their second son, Jase, on August 16, 1969. Willie, their third son, was born on April 22, 1972. Their fourth and final son Jeptha, known as Jep, was born on May 28, 1978. Phil only attended Jep’s birth and never went to the others. Jase, Willie, and Jep now live in West Monroe, Louisiana. Alan lives in a…
A Fowl Obsession: A Discourse Community Analysis of a Duck Hunting Club Some may consider duck hunting a hobby and some consider it a lifestyle. Many duck hunting clubs see that only two things going on in a year, that’s duck season and the time leading up till duck season. This is an exaggeration in some cases, however if the case of my duck hunting club know, as Fowl Play Duck Club we take duck hunting seriously. There are three generations of hunters in this club. The ole’ boys’ hunters…
I am going to inform you about how to find a good duck hunting spot and how to set up right so that you can get a lot of ducks. First of all, sometime before you go out duck hunting you need to scout out a good area where all of the ducks are landing. You have to make sure you know where the ducks will be going in the morning or night. You also need to have permission if it is private land. You need the right supplies for going duck hunting too. When you get out to the field or pond that you…
Edge). LOTE Outfitters is a guided and DIY hunting lodge that has hunting opportunities in Northwest Iowa (Emmetsburg), Southern Iowa (Riverton), Western Nebraska (Scotts Bluff), and Colorado (Brighton). We offer all types of hunting opportunities and wildlife experiences. I have always loved hunting and thought about starting a business in the industry. I have been on the pro staff of a hunting company for a couple years now. This has allowed me to learn a ton of information about the industry…
Three Dozen at a Time “Not all those that wander are lost.” said by J.R.R. Tolkien. This quote refers to hunting because you are out in the middle of nowhere and people will think you are lost. Decoying and jumping waterfowl are similar and different in many ways including time, effort, and amount of equipment The time put into waterfowl hunting differs from decoying and jumping waterfowl. When decoying waterfowl you will need to have time to get to the pond you are going, setting up…
I feel very content whenever I go hunting. When I go out to hunt it makes me very happy and nothing is better than watching the birds come into your decoys. It’s also super awesome to hear them calling back to your calls. Every year from october to march I go hunting almost every weekend. Hunting has been in my family for Generations. Both my Mom’s and my Dad’s side of the family hunt. It’s a huge passion of mine and also and addiction. Everything we kill we eat so nothing gets wasted. When I am…
Types of Problematic Waterfowl Hunters The majority of people have came to the conclusion that most hunters are alike. This is far from the case. There are different types of hunters just like there are different types of people. These hunters are not only divided by the species they pursue, but also by the tactics they use when hunting, and by their own personal ethics. Waterfowl hunting consist of ducks, geese, and swans. In different states the rules are different, so while shooting a swan…
The author doesn’t say whether he agrees with hunting or not. It depends on who you ask. Hunting is a big topic in this in today’s society and everybody has different views. As a hunter, I can see where people that don’t hunt dislike it because they think we’re only hunting for fun. What they don’t understand is that, us hunters shoot animals that are ready to harvest and we make sure they meat is taken care of. With that being said, hunting does help balance the environment. Animals are…
It was a cold rainy day in december when I went on my first duck hunt. This was the most exciting day of my life. I had been waiting to go on a duck hunt where I get to shoot my gun. We loaded up all of our gear and the dog. My dog was getting old she was 10 on that hunt and that was the first time I got to see her do her job, and that was retrieving waterfowl. When we got to the parking lot we unloaded our gear and started the long walk into the marsh. The blind we had chosen to hunt was a long…
Although hunting of Harlequin Ducks has been prohibited, the birds still are extremely vulnerable due to their tameness and their tendency to feed close to shore. Destruction and tampering with their habitats is another factor that has contributed to their decline in population. Some of the fast-flowing tempestuous rivers have also been altered by things like mining, hydro, and other human activities. These factors have impacted the duck’s breeding and wintering grounds as well as their food…