international wildlife conservation schemes constitute wildlife crimes that are typically punishable. In rural areas of the United States, the key motives for poaching are poverty. Wildlife biologists and conservationists consider poaching to have a detrimental effect on biodiversity both within and outside protected areas as wildlife populations decline, species are depleted locally, and the functionality of ecosystems is disturbed. Poaching has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting, killing, or capturing of wild animals, usually associated with land use rights. They considered poaching as one of the most serious threats to the survival of plant…
Have you ever seen a dodo bird? Well if poaching continues the African elephant and African rhino’s may never be seen by our grandchildren. Elephants are continuing to be poached for their horns which are being sold for high prices to people looking to buy ivory. The black and white rhinos that inhabit Africa are already close to extinction with only a couple thousand of each left. If both of these animals end up being removed from their respective environments by poaching, then their…
What is poaching? Poaching is illegal hunting, killing or capturing of wild animals, and has also been used for the unlawful harvest of wild plant species. It is an environmental crime because it is an illicit activity that disobeys laws and regulations established to protect natural resources and wildlife. The impact of poaching on people and the environment: Poaching can affect humans with the spread of disease. Rangers and warders put their lives in danger every day by trying to…
Poaching is the murder or harvest of any endangered plant or animal, this harmful act on innocent animals needs to stop. The problem is that today’s society is driven by money and will do anything to get it no matter the consequences. When it is too late and we have hunted animals like tigers, lions, rhino, and elephants into extinction perhaps then we might try to do something like cloning. Poaching doesn't just affect the animals that are being killed, it causes other animals to die also…
A wildlife conservationist once said, “Extinction is forever, endangered means we still have time.” Most poachers are after elephants’ precious ivory tusks, which are used to make statues, jewelry, and other prized objects. Conservationists are using these two devices to turn back to drone technology as well as global positioning systems (GPS) & ink injections to fight back against poachers. Poaching is a growing global concern that will continue to destroy wildlife if we do not do something…
If I could stop poachers so that the elephants and rhinos don’t become extinct then I would try to track the poachers down at the source and arrest or kill them. There are three ways that I think that I can stop the extinction of elephants and rhinos from happening is I can, put SATcoms on the elephants and rhinos, make the horns cheaper and tusks cheaper, and make better devices that can track poachers down. Poaching is a terrible way to make money because not alone is it illegal but it…
take and kill an animal, skin it, then go to the cops and give them the skin and say “Here you go, please bring me to jail now.” It’s the exact thing if you don’t tell them. You still will be caught, but probably will have a longer prison sentence.Animal poaching, a painful, disgusting way to get animal materials. Why steal one’s skin for money? Animal poaching, the easiest way to get behind bars. People overlook animal poaching, but in reality people should be acting as if it were a murder. I…
you think of the ocean? Maybe a shark or some coral reefs, now what animals do you think of in Africa, maybe a gorilla or an elephant and a rhino. Well you may have to start thinking about different animals, because thanks to illegal animal poaching these animals may be extinct in our lifetime based on the amount of illegal poaching that is happening. When I heard this news my jaw hit the floor, but thanks to illegal animal poaching of endangered animals this statement is a fact. You may be…
Every year more than 50 million animals are killed to make clothes out of their fur or skin. Over one billion rabbits are killed for their fur. Poaching is bad for the environment and the animals because poaching is killing nature. Poaching causes animals to be endangers and go extinct. Poachers kill these animals to get more money because animal fur and elephant tusks are worth a lot of money. The poachers may not think about what will happen if they keep killing these animals. The animals will…
Why Trophy hunting can be good for animal conservation efforts This is an interesting argument and most people, (me included) find it hard to accept. I don’t like trophy hunting I cannot see why anyone would enjoy paying a large sum of money to kill an animal that has done nothing to deserve death. Frankly, the argument is counterintuitive. How can killing animals save animals from being killed? Keep an open mind. Evidence suggests that in specific situations trophy hunting can really help…