Afterward, she lived alone on the farm, unafraid, because she knew how to shoot a shotgun and wouldn’t have thought twice about popping someone between the eyes. She also kept a razor-sharp double-bladed Kentucky toothpick in a leather sheath in her pocket. A knife could be a girl’s best friend. However, a destitute hollowness lived inside of her, thanks to Uncle Buck. Day and night it gnawed at her, twisting her gut so hard that vomit sometimes erupted without notice. When she closed her eyes to sleep, terrifying dreams grappled her. As she fought demons that flitted in and out of her head, most nights found her sitting in the wooden rocker by the fire. A handful of neighbors checked on her after her ma died. Bear-ing gifts of homemade jams, jellies, bread, sugar, flour, cornmeal, and quilts, the wives tried to be sociable, while their nestlings of-fered entertainment by chasing each other around the barn and hol-lering like banshees. A feeling of thankfulness enveloped Sarah when everybody left. Her lack of social skills didn’t allow her to enjoy company. She soon became known far and wide as a cur-mudgeon…
never quiet; I missed hearing my parents idle arguments alongside my siblings. I felt a sharp knot in my throat and cold water fell from my eyes as i felt a feeling of abandonment. I tossed and turned until the my room was lit by a warm orange. I soundlessly walked towards the umber-brown forrest. As I felt the autumn leaves crunch under my shoes, the beautiful sounds of the tweeting birds hummed a melody through my ears and i felt as if it was. As I walked deeper and deeper into the crowded…
(Chekhov 764.) While the bookcase has much value to Gaev, Varya has another set of objects that have much more meaning to her. Varya was fortunately adopted into the family by Lyubov. However, Varya has never truly been a family member of the estate. Since Lyubov left her responsibilities had increased tremendously. She became sort of the caretaker of the estate. She holds the keys to the estate and became the mistress of it. She is the one in charge of taking care of the members of the…
The theme of children playing a role in their success also goes along with the theme that education is the most important thing one can have. Despite having to go through the same system, some of the kids are able to transform their lives, or at least attempt to. Like previously said, Judge Dorn believes that the best thing to do for the kids is to get them off the streets and force them back into school. By being in school, they can learn that they are able to succeed (Humes, 61). A couple…
was shielded against by the tree tops. The chirping and singing from the birds could be heard throughout the forest. The sound of the creek rushing and running nearby as if it was full of energy. Who knew that going hiking can be fun and peaceful? Suddenly, my mind was brought back to reality when my aunt uttered, “Hold on, this doesn’t seem right!” “What?”, my mom asked with a bewildered look on her face. My aunt responded while pointing at a map, “According to this map, this is not what…
Dynamic Success I am an amalgamation of my aunts an uncles and a product of there success. Success to me has been ever changing and slowly developing concept of what I think makes me happy, as a young child my ambitions were focused, riches would be my first class seat to happiness. But with multiple jobs, from making a reasonable living to part times with meager wages material was fleeting. I have a sizable measuring stick of experiences, that contributed to my current happiness. But my…
years of longing to come back to NY, I was finally able to return. What put in me high spirits was not being held on a tight leash by my strict parents. I desired the taste of freedom. I wanted to be an independent woman. I needed to be able to make decisions at no one else 's liberty but my own. After meeting my uncle-by-marriage for the first time, I became anxious to leave his presence and walk the city streets of Manhattan on my own, but that wasn 't the case. He revealed to me…
When we live in Chicago it was my mom Blanca my dad Hector and my brother Aaron, me, and my dads older sister, Ana. She was married to my uncle Beto and had 4 kids, the oldest is Lisa, then its Liliana, Araceli and the youngest is Rigo. We would always celebrate everything together. Have cook out every other weekend. All of my cousins and I would go out and play. Then when we had to move from Chicago to Texas in 2009 it was just my family and I. It was hard for both my brother and I . New…
they encounter drastic changes in perspectives and achieves a further understanding of the world formulated from cathartic experiences. In the short story “The Fall of a City”, by Aidan Nowlan, Teddy the protagonist is a dynamic character who struggles through his transition to adulthood. Living with his uncle and aunt, Teddy builds an imaginary world named Upalia, to escape from reality and spends time in the attic fighting imaginary battles. The city portrays the self-esteem that he lacks in…
and six fire & rescue departments. The police department is located in the municipal building located at 2400 Byberry Road in Bensalem Twp. The station is approximately 2.9 miles from the casino. There is a local memorandum of agreement between the Bensalem Twp. Police Department and The Pennsylvania State Police. The Pennsylvania State Police handles all “Gaming Related Areas.” However, “Non-Gaming-Related Areas,” Bensalem PD handles, such as the Food Court and Banquet area, the Parx…