Streptococcal pharyngitis

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    Pandas In Early Childhood

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    “My child was fine last week, last month – and now I have lost her. This is not my child; what has happened? What do I do? (Sudden & Severe Onset)” For every parent with a child that has an illness, this seems to be a recurring story. Many parents and specialists are desperate for an explanation that makes sense as to why this a child may be fine one day and a completely different child the next, and unfortunately do not find answers. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections, most commonly known as PANDAS, affects as many as 1 in every 200 children. This disorder occurs when the strep virus triggers a misdirected immune response that results in the child’s brain becoming inflamed. Inflammation on the brain can cause atypical…

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    Acute pharyngitis is one of the most frequent illnesses for pediatric office and emergency room visits. It is defined as inflammation of the pharynx and or tonsils and is usually caused by viruses or bacteria (Burns, Dunn, Brady, Barber Starr, Blosser, and Garzon, 2017). Among children and adolescents, the majority of cases are caused by viral infections. The bacterial infections especially Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections (GABHS) account for about 15-30% of infection in children…

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    Chapter 5 Summary In chapter 5 Dr. Moalem talks about how the family of streptococcal bacteria is responsible for many human diseases like strep throat, scarlet fever, bacterial pneumonia, and rheumatic fever. Many types of streptococcal bacteria show molecular mimicry in which they display characteristics of human cells in order to trick the immune system. The cells these bacteria copy include cells found in the joints, the brain, and even the heart. When you have a bacterial infection, your…

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    Strangles Research Paper

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    Streptococcus Equi, More commonly known as Strangles is an infectious equine disease that is characterized by attacking and breaking down the lymphoid tissue of the upper respiratory tract making this disease fatal. Streptococcus is a type of bacterium which causes the disease. Strangles got its name because historically, affected horses were sometimes suffocated from inflamed lymph nodes in their upper airway and trachea.When a horse gets this disease the bacteria cells attach to the tonsil…

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    Group B S Pyogenes Essay

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    Group B Summary Group B S. pyogenes are Gram-positive and typically produces short chains or diplococcal pairs. The bacteria produce a type of polysaccharide capsule with a number of different antigens. It is most commonly seen as an infection in newborns. Epidemiology S. pyogenes can exist in the mother’s normal, vaginal flora, and can be transmitted to the newborn during delivery. Transmission is most common in premature infants or when there are ruptured membranes during the delivery…

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    Essay On Strep Throat

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    Strep Throat Streptococcal pharyngitis, which is more commonly known as strep throat, is a common disease that effects people all the time. Bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, fungi, and parasites cause strep throat. Streptococcus bacteria may live in your throat or nose without causing any symptoms. In the winter most people actually have this bacteria in their nose or mouth and be healthy. These people are carries who do not have any symptoms nor spread the bacteria to other people. If these…

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  • Improved Essays

    Strep throat is a contagious disease also known as streptococcal pharyngitis. It causes inflammation and swelling of mucous membranes or the lining of the back of the throat and the tonsils. The symptoms of strep throat include sudden pain in the throat without cold symptoms such as coughing or sneezing. Also white or yellow spots on your throat or tonsils, plus a bright red throat or dark red spots on the roof of your mouth or near the back of your mouth towards the throat. This bacterial…

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    • Encouraged patient to bring BMI to < 25.0 • Monitor blood pressure weekly and record readings and bring to the next follow visit appointment in 3 weeks. Evidence-Based Rationale: One of the most common causes of bacterial pharyngitis or tonsillitis is group A streptococci (GAS). This infection is most prevalent in the winter time. It is estimated that 15% to 25% of pharyngitis cases in children are caused by GAS. GAS is transmitted by direct contact with respiratory secretions or large…

    • 874 Words
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    Strep Throat Case Studies

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    this sickness, prevention, and treatment. Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by streptococcal bacteria, and it generally occurs in the pharynx. Since it is a bacterial infection, it can spread from person to person extremely easy. This may be why adolescents are very susceptible to this illness, because they tend to share drinks, food, and other objects with different people. These objects can then easily act as a vehicle of transmission for this bacteria, passing it from one person to…

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    able to penetrate through these defenses can it cause infectious diseases. (4). The pathogen is airborne so a person with the infection can transmit it through sneezing, coughing or sharing foods or drinks. Although strep throat goes away on its on, drinking a lot of fluids, teas and taking over the counter pain medications can sometimes relieve strep throat symptoms, but when diagnosed early on antibiotics are usually prescribed. Since Strep throat can be easily treated, in the article, “A…

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