Behaviors that are rewarded with small bursts of dopamine throughout the day, such as learning or intercourse, are no longer enough to satisfy the ordinary daily needs. This leads to the self-administration of a substance that makes the individual feel better than their current state; in turn, that routine becomes highly addictive. However, a person suffering from substance use disorder can receive behavioral treatments to overcome the mental aspect of their condition. A recent study tested the hypothesis that behavioral therapy such as contingency management (CM) would reduce cocaine usage cravings and increase the number of negative urine test in cocaine users (Pirnia et al., 2016). In order to test these hypotheses participants were given pretests and posttests to evaluate cocaine cravings and coupons (that were exchanged for gift cards towards supermarkets, retail certificates, bus passes, and etc) for negative urine test samples, while the controlled group was issued no rewards despite providing urine tests (Pirnia et al., 2016). After participants were given clinical interviews, self-reporting questionnaires, and urine tests, the results revealed that contingency management therapy increased the number of negative urine tests and had an impact on reducing cocaine usage cravings (Pirnia et al., 2016). A similar study found a decrease in alcohol and cocaine use in homeless patients, due to contingency management treatments (Tracy et al., 2012). In order to evaluate the…
Each patient took a urine test and tests were run to see what colour the urine was, this determines how concentrated the urine is. If the urine is darker and has a smell then the urine is more concentrated. If the urine is a light colour and no smell that means it is not as concentrated. Additionally, the urine was tested to determine the pH, glucose, protein, ketone, yeast, blood, nitrite, bilirubin and urobilinogen. Glucose levels are tested in order to test for the plasma levels; if the…
Outline of Report Structure You must provide short answers of no more than five or six sentences to the following ten questions. Your answers should be clearly numbered and written in full paragraphs. You were given five samples of patients’ urine and some Uristix dipstick. Describe how you used the dipsticks to determine if the urine sample contained amounts of protein and / or glucose. The Uristix dipsticks were dipped in the urine samples. The Uristix dipsticks were ensured they are…
The purpose of the lab was to use urinalysis test to analyse and diagnose 5 simulated urine samples. Urinalysis is the evaluation of urine based of the physical properties like colour, cloudiness, odor, and clarity. It can also be the chemical and molecular evaluation of urine samples (Fareed, 2017). The tests were done to determine the pH of the urine, and whether there was any calcium, proteins, or glucose in the urine. To determine the pH, pH paper was used. To determine if calcium was…
The urinalysis is likely to also check for molecules that promote the growth of bacteria, as well as monomers that specific strains of bacteria shed when they begin replicating inside a new host cell. Depending on the symptoms of the patient further tests and data collection may be required. If the infection were to spread to the kidneys it could cause Kidney failure and ultimately death. An ultrasound examination can be used to check for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. There are…
a telephone pole. He did not lose consciousness. A urine specimen reveals gross hematuria. P.D. also states that a tape player in the right pocket of a leather jacket is shattered. Subjective Data- Patient states, “he has a sore shoulder”. Patient also states “ he was forced off his motorcycle and sideswiped a telephone pole”. Patient denies losing consciousness and states “a tape player in the right pocket of a leather jacket is shattered”. Objective Data: Urinalysis…
INTRODUCTON Urinalysis is a test that evaluates a sample of urine. The urinalysis is used as a screening/or diagnostic tool because it can help detect substances or cellular material in the urine associated with different metabolic and kidney disorders. It is ordered widely and routinely to detect any abnormalities that require follow up. Often, substances such us protein or glucose will begin to appear in the urine before people are aware that they may have a problem. It is used to detect…
Urinalysis is mostly a labor process used to observe urine at a microscopic level (Ben-Ezra, 1998). In the urinalysis, one of the experiments conducted was observing the physical characteristics of the urine sample. The physical characteristics included the color, transparency, odor, and pH level. Observing and determining the color, transparency, odor, and pH of urine can tell the person’s diet and possibly if there might be a bodily issue going on (Gutierrez, 2014). For the first physical…
This essay will use Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) to reflect upon my learning from the facilitating workplace learning module and my teaching session on urinalysis. Bulman and Schutz (2013) updated Gibbs reflective framework stating reflection is a means of making sense of a situation in order to move on, and improving as a practitioner. We cannot learn without reflecting on what we could have developed further. Prior to the taught session I read my professional body’s requirements regarding…
before. While at home with my daughter, I was using this time to pack my house in preparation for my family’s pending move at the end of the month. While going through papers I decided to have a beer not thinking that I would be called into work for any reason. Approximately 1130 I received a phone call from Master Gunnery Sergeant Hernandez informing me that my name was on the Urinalysis Roster. I informed the Master Gunnery Sergeant Hernandez that I had my daughter with me and didn’t have…