As previously noted, the largest concern with salmonella outbreaks are the cross contamination of foods. You could control the host corner of the triad if a people could avoid the commonly known foods that have outbreaks due to salmonella, however this somewhat difficult for some and therefore is a personal decision. Our most logical option to control the spread of salmonella is by using proper food handling and storing techniques to avoid cross contamination all together. In conclusion, we know that the common denominator with all outbreaks is one of the corners of the triangle. Therefore, we should consider the epidemiologic triad our most resourceful tool in learning how to eradicate these salmonella outbreaks by learning which part of the triad we can permanently do away with. It won't be a short, or easy task, but rather it is definitely one that is worth our time to preserve the health of our…
The Imperfect side of Gods over Erotic Desire and Transformation The text Metamorphoses by Ovid contains a number of motifs of transformation as well as the title of the text indicates over erotic desire. The main theme of the poem is transformation, which is closely link to erotic desire and love of the Gods in terms of the imperfection of Gods and feminine perspective. The theme of erotic desire and following transformation symbolize the imperfect side of Gods compare to mankind. Ovid’s poem…
There are many female athletes that participate in sports today. While physical activity can bring a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, it can also bring on psychological problems. There are certain pressures that come with competing and with that can come a sleuth of problems. The purpose of this paper is to examine what is known as the Female Athlete Triad. Our goal is to get a better understanding exactly what female athletes go through and how societal factors, such as the media, can…
Women can be strong and beautiful without having to be sexualized by the media. Should women show a little skin to promote a brand or themselves and their sport? Although this paper is about women and the things they go through to remain thin, I have to say that men have been sexualized as well. Sports players such as Derek Jeter, David Beckam, and Rafael Nadal have all been part of the pretty boys in sports image. With respect to Wimbleton female tennis players have been playing in small…
You will never meet someone who works harder at everything they do than Shae. No matter what it does she will work for it. Shae is an amazing long distance runner but she didn’t just get amazing stamina and strong leg muscles from just sitting around. Shae runs 5k’s almost every month it seems. Shae entered a 5k and the people who usually run it lost to Shae and she got 1st place. The next season of cross country is coming up soon. She really wants to get on Varsity and get 1st place. So this…
On February 4, 1902, in Detroit, Michigan, Charles Lindbergh grew up and began his journey. Throughout the eighty years since Lindbergh’s life, he was a known leader in aviation. Charles Lindbergh made a transatlantic solo flight in 1927; showing people the endless possibility of the aviation. Because of his actions, at the end of 1928, 48 airlines were serving 355 American cities. However, it was not like this when everything he did had just started; for it created fear. Citizens in 1927, still…
students, and sometimes even a few elementary students are all affected by this. Students of color see these disgusting racial slurs and they do not feel as safe as they may have when they walk to school. We need to raise awareness towards racism so that people will understand both what it is and how to defend against it. Students deserve nothing if not to at least feel safe in and around their school. Racism in the United States will always remain in the United States. That much we cannot…