The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process within our atmosphere, it aids in heating the earths surface and atmosphere. The greenhouse affect is caused by the fact that certain atmospheric gases, gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane are able to change the energy balance of the planet by absorbing long wave radiation emitted from earth’s surface. Without the greenhouse affect our earth would be a chilly -18°C in comparison to the present average temperature of 15°C. As energy passes through the atmosphere a number of different changes take place. 26% precent of the suns energy is radiated back into space by clouds and other atmospheric partials. The clouds, gases and the other partials within the atmosphere absorb…
Greenhouse Gas Pollution in the United States Whether we like it or not greenhouse gas pollution is inevitably increasing in the United States; negatively affecting all of our daily lives. How many American citizens drive a car? Roughly 34 percent of the nation’s households own at least one car, and every-time a person drives it releases about 24 pounds of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. That is just one example of greenhouse gas pollution, and there are an innumerable amount of other…
the degree of hotness elevate without us knowing? Certainly, we cannot see the process on how the temperature changes with naked eyes but via deep understanding in Physics and other sciences, we can verbally explain how this rise occurs. There are a few elements that encourage the increase in the global temperature worldwide. The leading cause of this phenomenon is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the process whereby the transition of infrared radiation by gases within the…
) The greenhouse gas effect is when sunlight warms the earth some of it is consumed which warms the ground and is reflected once again into space. The land and seas consume whatever remains of the sun’s energy. When the heat goes back towards space some of the heat is caught by greenhouse gasses in the air, making the earth temperature rise. Greenhouses gasses in the air absorb the heat and afterward divert some of this warmth back towards the Earth which means that the more greenhouse gasses in…
through the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the rising carbon level in the atmosphere, trapping radiation, and heating the Earth. Humans are depending on fossil fuels that release these emissions. Though we have increasingly started depending on renewable resources that don’t release these harmful gases into the atmosphere, we can already see the effects today and if this doesn’t stop now the planet will be destroyed. The human intervention that people have depended on with the…
Bardakci 1 Kaan Bardakci 50132344 ESL 408 – Professor Jon Meeder Research Paper 1st Draft 21 April 2015 Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming Since the beginning of the history , humanity has fought with dramatic disease like sharbon , malaria or AIDS , however they prevented harmful effects of these diseases every time .In old times which was before Industrial Revolution , people did not need any machine producing devices like cars , laptops , houses , residances so global warming was not…
It's evident that temperature is rising which as a result causes us to experience a lot of abnormal climate changes worldwide. The cause of this increase of temperature is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is constructed by water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone.The greenhouse effect is when the gasses trap the sunlight, not making them bounce back to space, which creates the atmosphere to warm, thus making Earth hotter. What’s responsible for realising a large amount of…
and D. Boorse (2005/2011), the Greenhouse Effect is best defined as “an increase in the atmospheric temperature caused by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and certain other gases that absorb and trap heat, which normally radiates away from Earth” (G-10). This effect has been dubbed as such because of its similarity to the way greenhouses work. Ultraviolet radiation travels through the Earth’s atmosphere and is absorbed by the Earth’s surface in the same way that radiation penetrates the…
The reason why the Earth is at danger is because of the greenhouse effect which then leads to global warming. This is the process by which the atmosphere traps some of the Sun 's energy, warming the Earth enough to support life. Greenhouse gases are increasing the effect of global warming. These gases include carbon dioxide made by fossil fuel burning and deforestation. Over the past 200 years the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased, this was caused by burning large…
Our planet would be too cold to support life if not for a natural process called the greenhouse effect. The sun sends solar radiation toward the Earth’s surface. Of which, 70% is initially absorbed by the Earth’s surface. However, as the earth warms, some of this absorbed energy is reflected back toward space as infrared radiation. This infrared radiation would be lost into space except for the fact that there exist greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere that…