The recent visit of Pope Francis to the United States has been cause for both celebration and controversy. the News Media has suggested that the pope has the popularity of a celebrity. The public has come out in droves just to catch a glimpse of the Pontiff. His affabililty and uniquely charasmatic style- a style quite different from his predecesors- has made Pope Francis feel approachable and " human " to many. The Pope has been widely received by both Catholics and non Catholics alilke. Groups who have been on the " periphery" of religous society in the past , now describe a sense of acceptance with the current Pope. Although his message of love and acceptance has resounded with many, his open dialogue related to politcally charged…
Church near the early 1800’s is because of Pope Boniface VIII. Pope Boniface the VIII was not a saint, but a scoundrel. He influenced the church in a negative way by opposing King Philip IV of France, trying to make many changes in the Church that produced outcomes which were negative and issuing the Unam Sanctum. His family and his background had a big influence on his beliefs and those beliefs affected everything he did and said. Pope Boniface VIII original name was Benedetto Caetani. He was…
from the first pope Peter the Apostle to the current pope Francis I. There have been popes who have wielded great amounts of power like Innocent III and those who did not wield much power like the modern day popes. There were those who were immoral like Alexander VI and those who were kind hearted with a servant attitude like John Paul II. Throughout the reigns of the 256 popes from Peter to Francis, they were seen as spiritual leaders. For most of them, they were also seen as temporal leaders.…
stood out for me quite brilliantly, Pope Paul III. Pope Paul III, in the midst of an era of rebuking authority, growing nationalism, and tremendous divide within the Christian Church, managed to redirect a tidal wave of dissent.…
Report Pope In the middle ages the pope was the highest and head of the Christian church. All the popes in the middle ages where powerful and highly influential towards society. In medieval times many people went to church meaning that the pope gained great power. Because the pope was god’s representative the pope got to choose what the church was to teach as well as how the church was to act. The pope would live in many now famous places like the Vatican where he would work and live. At the…
Both historians and Catholics believe that Pope Innocent III and Pope Gregory VII as some of the greatest figures in history because they thought of everything in religious terms. More importantly, using their powers, they were able to achieve their goals of saving the welfare of the Church and Christian civilization. The Middle Ages was known as a period of European history, from the 5th to the 15th century, that followed the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and preceded the Early Modern…
Pope Francis was elected Pope in 2013, he was has made some huge changes within the Catholic Church. He also addresses many topics other popes have avoided. He is making strides to change the perception on Roman Catholics for the better. I strongly believe that Pope Francis is improving the Catholic church. He has made the church feel more welcoming. People assume he is trying to change the Catholic Church. According to Amanda Erickson, she states that, “ They worry that Francis is loosening…
I. Popes A. Pope Gregory I is also known as the Great, was a father of the Church, and was pope from 590-604 AD. He was a strict monk, and strongly emphasized missionary work. He sent out followers of the Church to find people to join. He was also a Pope to the poor, giving them money and food. The money donated to the church and land the church had was all open to use by the poor. His largest contribution to the church is the Gregorian Chant. This music is known throughout the church,…
their communities, according to Pope Francis during his renewed plea to not reject the people who need help. On Tuesday, Pope Francis addressed the International Forum on Migration and Peace in Rome and urged people to change their attitude toward people in need. The pontiff spoke against populist rhetorics that have created figures like Adolf Hitler who “destroyed” the people who voted for him, the News Observer relays. “In the face of tragedies which take the lives of so many migrants and…
Pope Francis is the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis’s birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio and he was born in Flores, Bueno Aires, Argentina on December 17, 1936. His papal name is in honor of St. Francis of Assisi of Italy. Before becoming a pope Bergoglio got his degree in chemistry and a Ph.D. in theology. In 1958, Bergoglio entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus. Bergoglio was also a teacher and he taught literature and psychology at Colegio del Salvatore and…