In the Gospel of John, the author uses several miracles of Jesus to show that the miraculous acts are specific in nature and directed toward achieving the goals stated in John 20:31. The intention is to understand Jesus is the Messiah and to provide a means of eternal life.1 However, among scholars sometimes there is debate as to exactly how many of these miracles are signs. Most tend to agree that there are at least seven, but a dispute sometimes arises if the Resurrection of Jesus should be considered a sign. Through a review of the purpose of the Book of John, the definition of a sign, and comparison of the signs, evidence will demonstrate that the Resurrection is truly a sign. The Book of John finds its purpose statement in the twelfth chapter. It is the simple testimony that, “Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life.”2 John declares he is writing the book in order that all who read it might have an understanding that Jesus is the Christ and fully the Son of God. The desired result is that the reader may experience eternal life through Him. John clarifies that Jesus did do many more…
remembers Jesus Christ because of his extraordinary ability to work miracles. A large amount of material recorded in the Gospels center around the miracles of Jesus. These appeared only forty years after his crucifixion. Excluding the crucifixion, there is more evidence of the miracles of Jesus than any other aspect of his life. Of all these miracles, Jesus's nature miracles seem the least historical. In the Gospels, Jesus performs eight miracles that change the natural world. Often, the nature…
In the everyday world of today we see miracles all around us. Some of these miracles take by storm, while others go barely noticed. No matter how big the miracle is or how small it may be, there is no doubt who is responsible for them, “Jesus”. It’s a shame that more credit for these wonderful miracles is not given credit where credit is due. When a big disaster strikes all you read in the paper and see on television is how lucky they were. You do not hear thanks to Jesus for sparing those…
Over many of the miracles that Jesus performs throughout His ministry on earth, I consider the miracles of Jesus walks on water as one of the "coolest" miracles that reveal the significance meaning of who Jesus is. This miracles recorded in three of the Gospels (Mat 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56: John 6:16-21) and it was this miracle that, more than any other, "convinced Jesus's disciples that He was indded the Son of God. We could see that in the expression of the disciples in Matthew 14:32-33. In…
life who believe in one God. Christians believe that Jesus Christ sent to the earth to liberate the sin of human being without the exchange of any credit. Jesus performed so many miracles when he was on the earth. His miracles lead to numerous reactions between individuals. Some followers give emphasis for what he performed, and the others do not. Jesus didn’t perform those miracles to be emphasis by His followers. We should place emphasis on what he teaches humans to do good in their lives not…
them the ability work miracles, preaching, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, and the ability to pass on their gift by the laying of hands “Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then laid they…
Jesus suffered and died for our sins. Jesus was born in Bethlehem to his parents, Mary and Joseph. He grew up in Nazareth and greatly spread the religion of Christianity. Although many people loved him, his miracles, and his teachings, many of the powerful leaders did not. Jesus was persecuted by the Romans and soon after was crucified. He later came back to life which many consider the resurrection. Jesus acted as a leader, teacher, and miracle worker revealing God’s Kingdom to the world.…
or about it. I am somewhat familiar with the miracles that Jesus performed, but that is it. I was blown away by the lecture of D. A. Carson. His knowledge and ability to recite and bounce between the Old and New Testament and weaving in John’s gospel I found amazing. I would be sitting in the front row if I was one of his students. After listening to him I can only imagine how in depth his paper would be responding to this assignment. The…
Why did Jesus perform miracles? The New Testament contains many inspiring examples of miracles performed by Jesus during his human life on earth. While these deeds provide insight into the historical era of Christ's life, they also fill the important role of inviting, and then strengthening, belief. Jesus Performed miracles to, add credibility to his teaching, to signify the beginning and ending of his public teaching, and to show us that all are welcome in his kingdom. …
Joshua The patient presented for group on time. The patient was dressed according to the season. The patient introduced himself and checked in as a "7." The patient reported being abstinent from all mood-altering substances for two days. Patient disclosed, "I am alright, I am okay.” The patient was asked what was he doing when the flood of 1999 occurred and the patient stated “ I was six-teen years old, the weather was hot and I was angry because I could not find any marijuana.” The patient…