In Physics of the Impossible, Michio Kaku wrote about the unimaginable. Kaku wrote a book entirely about physics concepts, from a physicist’s point of view, and makes it understandable and interesting to kids in high school. Michio Kaku wrote about ways to change the world. Michio Kaku’s physics theories go in depth because of his intelligence and his qualifications. He has and intelligent persona even at a young age. As a child Kaku strived to do amazing things, he wanted “to be a part of the effort to complete Einstein’s work, to unify the laws of physics into a single theory” (x). When I was younger I just wanted to watch television. Also for a science fair project he created “a 2.3-million-electron-volt betatron particle accelerator” with 20,000 times the magnetic field of the Earth (xi). Kaku shows futuristic ideology through questions such as, “can one use the laws of…
. The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe. – Michio Kaku This quote isn’t classified as a motivational quote and it may not make sense to others why I’d choose this one. When I read this quote it always gets me thinking to how complex and intriguing the mind really is and how we all go about our daily lives not fascinated by this. Once I start thinking about all of…
Apprehending scientific theories is complex enough. Understanding neuroscience even more so. Have no fear, Michio Kaku is here to pose this fascinating look at humanities journey to interpret, enhance, and empower the mind. As Kaku advises, the two greatest mysteries of nature are the universe and the mind. We (humans) have the capability to accomplish improbable feats of scientific ability nevertheless, these two mysteries, the universe, and the mind, perpetually elude and tantalize us. We…
This is a lecture given by Michio Kaku, one of the world 's most celebrated and infamous physicists and spokesperson of 'the future. ' He is often called upon to discuss new technology and discoveries as well as to comment on the impact these developments may have on humanity. Write 5 things you learned by listening to this lecture and then write your own reflection about how technology is impacting the human condition and how it will shape or influence human personality from this day forward. …
Michio started his article with a couple of questions he said would it be possible to walk through walls? To build starship that can travel faster than the speed of light. He is wondering if the world will be one of the days advanced enough to answer his questions and after he started listing examples of famous people for example Albert Einstein to support his argument to the audience. The Impossible is term that Michio wants us to know that we can overcome this term he wants us to know that…
life, but also elaborates on who has a conscious and which way they use it. Kaku's theory talks about Consciousness from a Physicians viewpoint. His theory is based on the quantifying consciousness that is the “number of feedback loops required to create a model of your position in space with relation to other organisms and time.” (Kaku). The level one conscious is used with animals, they understand their position space. Level two is used by monkeys, they understand their relationship to other…
on the technology regarding our paychecks, doing taxes, and even our personal identifications have been recorded in a computer. So what happens if all the technologies were to be vanished? There will be a person with no identity. Ben Goertzel believes that an artificial general intelligence could lead to a positive singularity but due to lack of resources, and the amount of time that we human are devoting into, slacks off. Personally, I do believe “positive singularity” would be beneficial in…
High school science teacher Ben Clutter recently returned from Denver, Colorado where he had an opportunity to present to some of the more than 19,000 educators at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference and Expo. Clutter, and other members of his College Ready Ohio team, were selected to present two, two-hour poster sessions at the forum: “Using Google Hangouts to Enhance Your Distance PLC,” and “Social Media: Taboo or Allowed in Edu.?” Through his training…
computer-driven cars are not available on the market, but they exist. In 2007, six teams of engineers were able to complete a 60-mile driving course using a completely autonomous vehicle. The most advanced cars on the market today can already do corrective steering, parallel parking, location detection, and internet and phone connection. Within the next decade it would not be overzealous to claim that if not for political issues, driverless cars could appear regularly on the road. Though this is…
doomsday clock put up by atomic scientists from the Manhattan project (the project that developed the first atomic bomb) is at 3 minutes before midnight wherein it is interpreted as “The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon.” Using current knowledge and trends, scientists and thinkers have put forward predictions towards the future of our current civilization. Among the best known of these predictions come…